View Full Version : Afraid I might have MS

25-08-10, 16:28

I don't know if this is the right place to post this so apologies if I have got it wrong. I suffer from anxiety/panic and have done for a long time. For the most part I have it under some sort of control, but the last couple of weeks I have been having a strange feeling come over me. I've spent about the last four weeks spending most of the day on my own and now I can't shake the feeling I'm in a box and I am struggling to get my eyes in focus. I have also convinced myself that my perception is wrong, when I reach for things I'm bothered I won't reach them etc. Is this anxiety as I am now really worried I have the early symptoms of MS.

Any advice from anyone would be greatly received.

jude uk
25-08-10, 16:32
My friend has MS and his advice was check this with your doctor who will advise you

25-08-10, 16:45
Have you had your eyes tested recently?

25-08-10, 17:07
Yes in Dec so not too long ago, I am incredibly long sighted though, +13, there was nothing irregular though other than what I usually have.

25-08-10, 17:21
Yes what you describe is probably anxiety as eye focusing problems are common. But eye problems are common in a number of illnesses such as MS and ME/CFS. See your doctor but a good check is to see if it calms when the anxiety drops. If so then it is due to the anxiety. I have ME/CFS and my eyesight problems dont change with anxiety levels but they do with how the ME/CFS is. So as I say play safe and see your GP.

25-08-10, 20:37
Meg, hope you don't mind me asking an unrelated question on your thread but Ronski would you mind telling me what eye probs you get with CFS? I have CFS and didn;t realise there was an eye aspect to it, just wondering if my symptoms match yours or are more likely a result of something else.

Meg - my husband has had one day of a vision problem in the 11 or 12 years since he was diagnosed with MS, and it was something totally different from what you have described. But do see what your doc thinks x

26-08-10, 08:52
Thank you for all your replies, I will bear in mind going to the Dr but I'm thinking I might have something like depersonalisation, I keep googling symptoms and it isn't really very helpful! But thank you all.

26-08-10, 10:09
hi may not be much help but with my anxiety i get very very bad deprsonalisation and it makes me feel very terrible, i feel very unreal and my eyes go funny as if i cant see or focus anything and things like a door, children everything seem very unreal and like im watching them from a far and cant touch them etc, may be copmpletley different to what you are suffering but thou8ght i would just offer a little bit of advice xx

26-08-10, 12:03
No it does feel a bit like that, I feel like I'm really aware of my arms and they don't feel like they are mine so when I'm reaching for stuff it feels like it's further away, feel like my eyes are like coke bottles or something and everything just seems off.

26-08-10, 14:50
yep get that with the arms like they are jelly and cant move them but actually you can?

26-08-10, 14:53
I get that too you think they've stoppd working but still do but even still they don't feel like they're yours x

26-08-10, 15:33
Yeah it just feels weird like they have suddenly shrunk in length! I'm also thinking everything over before I do it, or before I say things so words keep coming out muddled because I keep thinking about it before I say it! It's like I'm concentrating on everything so much every little thing is getting lost along the way.

26-08-10, 16:17
anxiety is a right royal pain in the bum lol xx come on people im fed up of being anxious so my new technique from right now is to smile it away lol (might work) x

26-08-10, 17:59
Jane C I get a blurring of vision especially with travelling as a passenger in a car. My daughter is an opticians manager and she says that its due to the muscles of the eyes being fatigued so it makes a lot of sense.

26-08-10, 20:27
Thanks Ronski, that's useful to know. Maybe it's not just my vision deteroriating with age then and if my CFS continues to improve it'll actually improve :)

26-08-10, 21:40
Hi,I have me/cfs my eye sight comes and goes go to your DR and discuss with him or her your symptoms I also suffer from depression before I was diagnosed with me/cfs. take care