View Full Version : anyone else??

25-08-10, 16:45
hi everyone

i wondered if anyone gets the following, its really getting me worried

every day mid afternoon i get this horrible feeling always at that time of the day

it makes me feel

light headed - mostly when i stand up
hot/sweaty - head particularly
tingles in fingers and toes
my heart doesnt beat fast but really strong
a feeling almost like i image allergies to be like but i dont have any
some times diarhoea ( sorry ) or at least a need to poo urgently.

it isnt a panic attack becuase it seems to have limited efect on my mood other than the fact that i worry about what it is.

Can any one help me with this horrible thing

im too scared to see the dr incase they freak me out


25-08-10, 17:31
I'm sure it could still be a panic attack, they present themselves in weird ways and can creep up out of nowhere and without obvious reasons. I get the same around 6-7 after dinner and it can last anything upto an hour, I just put it down to programmed anxiety and expectancy of it,.

25-08-10, 17:33
what makes you so sure it's not panic?x

25-08-10, 17:37
Hello, it does sound like a panic attack, Im having them quite a few times during the day at the moment with symptoms very much the same as yours along with breathing out of sync, since upping my medication. What do you do to keep your mind off the symptoms, i find talking or playing a game on mi phone helps a bit :)

25-08-10, 17:38
Sounds like an adrenalin rush which is very close to a panic attack. Think of how you feel if you were about to take an exam or have something nasty done to you medically and I bet its same symptoms. Its the adrenalin rush that makes you want to rush to the loo urgently as adrenalin has direct effect on the bowels.

AS its same time everyday this couldbe due to low blood sugar as this gives you an adrenalin rush as the adrenalin releases sugar into the blood, ask any diabetic with a hypo and they will describe the symptoms of adrenalin rush.

Maybe try eating something about an hour before you usually feel like this and see if it helps

25-08-10, 17:38
Midnight Calm - what do you do when you feel the panic coming on every day? xx

25-08-10, 18:25
hi sometimes i get this at night just has its getting dark i just get on with deep breathing etc though i do feel like going to bed eary where i feel safe but i cant keep going to bed at 9 930 every night

25-08-10, 21:53
This sounds like what I get, and I know mine is down to low blood sugar. Do you eat a lot of sugary foods? If so, try to cut back on those and eat more slow release energy foods. I tend to keep a packet of weetabix on my desk at work and I eat them dry sometimes if I start to feel a bit funny (much to the bemused looks on my colleagues faces). It amazes me how some people can skip lunch and be fine - I just couldnt do that. I start to feel kind of hot and shaky/trembly and my heart beats faster. This then makes me start to feel panicky and I just eat and eat until it goes away. I;m lucky I dont gain weight easily! This normally happens when I'm at work around 3pm. Try eating something like porridge for breakfast, then have a snack like fruit mid morning, before a reasonable sized lunch. See if this makes any difference. I think you will find it will. Hope this helps :)

25-08-10, 21:55
Are you eating regularly and when was the last time you ate before you get this?

26-08-10, 09:31
gosh thank guys for all your posts, they have really helped so much.

Its amazing that you think that 'its just you' that gets these things isnt it.

Nicola its definately happening either if i eat too much carbs or junk especially sweet stuff more than if i dont but it also happens if I havent eaten enough too.

I hadnt really connected it to eating but that is definately a link i can see that now.
Ann thats amazing becuase the timing like say makes total sense its always about that time for me as well and thay say mid afternoon slump dont they for low blood sugar.
Thank you everyone im feeling a lot more 'normal' again for your support.


26-08-10, 20:47
It was definately a dip in blood sugar for me.. Took me weeks before I saw the mid morning and mid afternoon pattern and then when I ate something roughly an hour before I knew those horrible feelings would happen, it stopped them by eating a little something.