View Full Version : 4 nights!!

27-02-06, 13:50
hey y'all!!
me a bit fed up now, havent slept in 4 nites!!! feel sooo tired!! everynow and then (at least once a month)- i have the worst trouble sleepin!! driving me nuts, feel soooo bored! me cant work so im up all nite and all day doing nothin!!! Just thought id come on for a quick moan!!! lol!! hope every1s good!!!

27-02-06, 13:57
hi sorry your having trouble sleeping this happens to me every now and again.the problem is the mor we try to sleep the worse it gets.have u spoken to your doc about this. take care marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

27-02-06, 14:07
Oh no poor you hun.

Hope you manage to get sleep tonight, hopefully 5th time lucky.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

27-02-06, 15:59
thanx- anyone else get like this??

27-02-06, 16:19
thanks for replyin!!
i get like it at least once a month but last time i didnt have this forum to talk bout it but now i do!! :D
I have an overactive mind and have been prescibed many a sleepin tablets (not to good in my opinion when your 19!!) but nothing helps!! It just does me head in!!! thanx guys!!

27-02-06, 18:19
Hi there,
Sorry you are getting no sleep, it is so hard to cope the next day isn't it? You say it kind of happens once a month, could it in any way be hormone related? I so truly understand how awful it is to have no sleep, have you tried the usual ideas, nice bath, hot drink, that kind of thing? gosh i do seriously sound like a grandma don't i? take care.

27-02-06, 23:58
Hi there,

I know how you feel 2 of the last 5 nights i have not been able to get any sleep at all not even half an hour or something it's horrible and all through the next day i feel like a total zombie lol, i think drinking too much caffeine definately does not help the situation.

28-02-06, 14:19
and now 5 days!!! and i have a cold to top it of so i am really tired and dizzy and have a sore throat!! but on the up side its snowin!! lol

28-02-06, 15:56
Iv also had the worst trouble sleeping for the last few months and it can be a living hell. But i was recommended a herbal remedie from my therapist called 'Valerium' its perfectly safe and not addictive or anything, i just take two tablets an hour b4 i go to bed and it helps you nod off. The last two nights iv used it have managed to fall asleep and sleep right through! Just thought id share this with everyone, you can buy the Valerium tablets from health food shops and herbal places and they cost about 10 quid for 6o tabs.
Hope this helps some people like it has me.

take care Jon

01-03-06, 09:57
thanx jon
me sis is gonno try and find some for me!!! didnt sleep last nite either- 6 days now!! but got to stage where im no tired, me eyes are wide like ive been takin something!!!! oh well!!