View Full Version : Relationship OCD and Medications

25-08-10, 17:39
Hi everyone

i suffer with Relationship OCD and anxiety, its ruined my life since age 21, i am Male and age 36
my doctor put me on 50mg of Sertraline which i take one tablet every morning
i have felt slightly better, but OCD is still bad, doctor wants me to come see him and discuss going up to 100mg instead..............anyone had success with upping their dosage with making them feel better?
obviously, its a silly question to ask, as each person is different.... but just trying to get some feedback from people :)

many thanks

PS: i have had CBT Therapy, but it didnt really help me im afraid

i just want to feel Normal :-(
I have met an amazing woman, and i feel this is still ruining my life EVERY DAY!
i dont want to lose the best thing thats ever happened to me :weep:
I want to be with her always, and i want this pain to go away or at least get some help, even if meds can help me a bit more?

25-08-10, 19:19
My girlfriend has the same type of OCD, she gets thought and questions about if she loves me, if i love someone else, would she be happier if she left me etc.

She explained all of this to me and I understand, that way when I see the pattern of thoughts starting in her head we sit down and have a chat, she talks to me about it and it makes it better.

Some call that reassurance, some call it help. All I can say is that since we started having the chats she has started asking less questions.

Not sure if that helps, feel free to message me if you like.