View Full Version : sore bit on head not going away

25-08-10, 21:47
I am not often worried about my health......I go through ups and downs, depending on my mental health in general.
BUT.....I am worried just now.

I bumped my head on the stairs a few weeks back and forgot about it really. Then a week-ten days ago, I was scratching or rubbing my scalp and OW! There was a really sore spot. I had to think what I had done then I remembered bumping it on the stairs. I wasn't unduly worried at the time but I did Google and read on fractures. What I read didn't really worry me. (at the time!) It said fractures do happen to the skull and heal in their own good time.

However.......It is still really tender. No lump. And I have started getting headaches every day. I don't get headaches as a rule.

My calmness has eased off! I keep on thinking "I am not even sure that is where I bumped my head.......so if it isn't that......what is it?"

My aunt died of a brain haemorrage or something like that at my age. I am panicking it is something sinister. I am trying hard not to google and even harder to not make an appt with my GP. I am sort of in between GP's and I haven't built up a relationship with another yet. Any doc will just look at my mental health record and dismiss me.


26-08-10, 19:16
Hey hunny :hugs:

Not the best of people to answer this thread of yours, eh? But ha, you're stuck with me I'm afraid :p

Did the headaches start coming AFTER you noticed the sore bit? The reason I ask is because maybe when you felt the sore bit, your mind started worrying about it. Even if you didn't realise that at the time, therefore giving you a sore head, as you're concentrating on it? That's happened to me before :)

If you're worrying, hunny, maybe mention it to the doc next time you see them? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about though :hugs:


26-08-10, 20:28
Thanks sunshine:hugs:

you are right. It did start after I found the sore spot. I know it is anxiety but my HA has increased tenfold recently. I don't normally bother about my health. I keep well.
After my recent 'events' I feel sure I have at the best fibroids.......at the worst......."C"
I have at best a fracture of the skull.......at worst a blood clot.
At best......a return of my IBS..........at worst "C"
The list goes on. I am doing pretty well in utilising skills learnt in CBT to battle against this but it is a slog......a real slog.
My shrink won't prescribe me more diazepam cos I refuse to up my antidepressant but the anti depressant has horrid side effects (very personal!)
I am just blooming pi**ed off!


30-08-10, 23:57
I can so relate to everything you have said, sweetheart :hugs:

You know I struggle with HA. It is hard, and I don't know the answers. But I don't think I'm quite as bad now as I was when I first started worrying over everything! So maybe it does get easier over time? It just takes a while :hugs: Aww hun, what are we like, eh?

We'll need to meet for coffee soon... :bighug1:
