View Full Version : Mouth and throat - really scared!

25-08-10, 22:16
I stupidly just shined a light into my mouth and found a little yellow mark at the back near my gum and two little faint white spots on my cheek which I am hoping are just from my biting my cheek! I've really frightened myself. All kinds of things are going through my mind! Please someone tell me this is normal and that they have little marks in their mouths too!! None of it hurts or looks angry or inflamed. Please don't tell me this is thrush as I have a massive phobia of it. Help! I have a huge fear of HIV.

25-08-10, 22:27
Well i've had loads of white lumps on the inside of my cheek were i've obviously bit it, they come and go.

In all honesty it doesn't sound like thrush at all, thrush is smelly and you would be able to smell it.

If its any consolation the whole of my mouth is red and inflamed and i have all sorts of bumps and lumps, so i suggest if they are still there in a few days pop to docs or dentist and get it checked.

di x

P.S stop shining lights in your mouth, you will end up becoming obsessed with it.

25-08-10, 23:02
Thank you Diane :) I think I'm probably just getting overly panicky, I'm so sensitive at the moment. I just hope the spots are gone tomorrow...they're only tiny but anything like that in my mouth scares me. How come your whole mouth is inflamed and red? I've always had a lot of problems with my mouth and throat...they seem to be my achilles heal!

I shouldnt have started checking my mouth again. I have obsessed over it in the past and ended up spending hours scrutinising my mouth, gums and tongue :(

Does anyone else have little white spots in their mouth that are normal?

Moonlight Xx

25-08-10, 23:25
Nobody knows why my mouth is like is it, i was diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome over two years ago, but they say there are no visible symptoms to it.

My whole mouth gets sore blistered and red, i've been to docs and dentist and they just put it down to BMS, don't know how they can do that because my mouth is so red.

Then the lump came in the centre of my tongue, and then of course the white lumps at the side of my cheek, then there was the tiny lump i noticed on the back of my throat.

Then i stopped looking in the mirror constantly because i was searching for something.

And how did i know that i hadn't had these lumps and bumps for years but never noticed them before HA!

Pop the dentist and get them to look, it will no doubt be nothing like you think it is, and apart from anything it will put your mind at rest.

di x

25-08-10, 23:27
Okay, thrush is uncommon in otherwise healthy individuals, but can sometimes be produced subsequent to treatment with certain antibiotics.

The yellowish mark at the posterior area of the gums is calculus build-up at the opening of a salivary gland and does not constitute a problem at all. The whitish marks noticed on the mucous membranes within the oral cavity or the result of mouth-breathing at night, often combined with bruxism (teeth grinding) or clenching of the jaw which commonly traps or presses the tissues hard against the gum line and enamel of the teeth.

A very easy test to determine whether a whitish coating in the mouth and on the tongue is thrush, is to slowly swish a tablespoon of ordinary white vinegar around in your mouth for about 30 seconds, repeated for 2 days. If it's thrush, it will magically disappear since it cannot survive in an acidic environment.

You don't, however, have thrush.

You'll be fine.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

26-08-10, 00:39
I had white spots in my mouth whenever my tonsils flared up.

26-08-10, 20:15
Thank you so much for your replies :) They have been really helpful. I have banned myself from looking at my mouth tonight and am going to TRY and enjoy my evening for once! I had a look at the white spots this morning and they look like they have faded a little and are certainly not any bigger.

Moonlight Xx

26-08-10, 20:24
i remember as a kid having white spots on my tonsils.. back in the days when i never had a care in the world.
also could it maybe be a mouth ulcer? those are common when you are stressed and run down.

22-03-12, 05:25
Okay, thrush is uncommon in otherwise healthy individuals, but can sometimes be produced subsequent to treatment with certain antibiotics.

The yellowish mark at the posterior area of the gums is calculus build-up at the opening of a salivary gland and does not constitute a problem at all. The whitish marks noticed on the mucous membranes within the oral cavity or the result of mouth-breathing at night, often combined with bruxism (teeth grinding) or clenching of the jaw which commonly traps or presses the tissues hard against the gum line and enamel of the teeth.

A very easy test to determine whether a whitish coating in the mouth and on the tongue is thrush, is to slowly swish a tablespoon of ordinary white vinegar around in your mouth for about 30 seconds, repeated for 2 days. If it's thrush, it will magically disappear since it cannot survive in an acidic environment.

You don't, however, have thrush.

You'll be fine.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

I needed this. Thanks for posting mate.