View Full Version : had to leave work

25-08-10, 22:55
just so fed up.went in work [which i enjoy]at 9pm felt so bad i left at 9:15 i just feel so ill all the time .Been to my drs so many times for him to give me ecg ,stress tests,blood tests all came back fine but i dont feel fine i feel awful 99% of the time.i have constant pain in my upper left arm, ribs,collar bone ,upper back,shoulders i dont sleep or eat well since this started 2 years ago constant worry about my heart .Now i cant manage a shift at work because i am so scared of the way i feel,this is the first time i have had to leave work because of the way i feel ,i told work i didnt feel well and i had to leave.i feel stupid now because my time keeping is excellent i lied and left work because i felt scared i was going to have a panic attack at work and was just too embarressed to admit that ,to say i was ill was just an easier option .i cant believe anx can have so many physical symptoms every day lately just getting out of bed seems to be a major achievment i feel so tired all the time does anyone else feel like this all the time.even writing this the muscles around my chest rib area feel like they are tightening and releasing all the time causing pain constantly i have no energy and forcing myself to carry on working ,cleaning cooking gardening is getting harder and harder to do ,do other people live like this i am so fed up of having to motivate myself to do everyday things .sorry for moaning about how rubbish i feel but i cant moan to anyone else sorry christine

25-08-10, 23:04
hi christine, i TOTALLY know how you feel!! its unbelievable what anxiety makes you feel like! i have thought over the years i have been dying from my head to toe. when i was at work i just kind of battled through it when i felt dizzy/ shooting pains/ breathless and over time as it happened i kind of got used to it and then when you ACCEPT YOU WILL BE FINE (easy to say i know, it took me hundreds of trips to docs and ecgs, blood tests and so on to believe my heart is fine) , the symptoms slowley but surely go . yes i feel tired all the time but the weird thing is when im 'occupied' whether it be the tv, friends coming round etc , i feel fine...then as soon as im not occupied im back to tired/ dizzy etc. dont be sorry for moaning thats what this site is for, you will be just fine , i promise there are loads of us who feel exactly like you do (and i know you will find that hard to believe but its true) xx vicky

25-08-10, 23:07
Oh I bet everyone on this site has at one point or another, played the 'I'm ill' card. You have to just remember that was today, tomorrow can and will be different. Anxiety sometimes does feel like your mind has waged war on your body, but with better understanding and acceptance you can not only learn to deal with the symptoms but in doing this reduce the instances where your anxiety takes over. It is a vicious cycle so just draw a line under today, Its done, over with. Tomorrow really is a new day.

26-08-10, 19:19
Don't feel stupid because you had to leave,you turned up and genuinely didn't feel well enough to do your shift so you weren't really lying lots of people don't even get as far as going in.You like your job so that's a really good insentive not to let anxiety get the better of you.

I know it's easy to say but the more you worry about various aches and pains the worse they seem to be.I used to worry about having heart attacks as I was getting alot of chest pains it was a visious circle the more I thought about the longer the pain lasted so I got it checked out and was given the all clear since then I feel alot better and only get the odd anxiety induced chest pain and knowing that I'm not having a heart attack the pain usually quickly disappears.

26-08-10, 19:48
I know exactly how you feel and you shouldnt feel stupid. I've had HA on and off for years now, mine is heart related at the moment, I seem to focus on it all the time and have a mixture of pain and tightness in my chest. Many times i've felt like just walking out of work due to the anxiety and awfull feelings. I havent had any heart tests (been down that route before) but just about to go on paroxtine again as its helped in the past. I do try to use logic if i can, i mean how many heart attacks can you have an still be walking around? :)

26-08-10, 23:37
thanks for all your reassurances ,my problem is i know its all in my head if it wasnt i would of dropped dead a long time ago , no matter how many tests i have on my heart i only feel reassured for a few days at the most . i ve tried cbt ,citalopram ,seroxat,propranol nothing seems to work long term, mainly down to me worrying about side effects outweighing the benefits of these drugs .as each day passes i worry more and more about living like this for the rest of my days dont get me wrong i m not suicidal just fed up i used to be normal now i spend every waking moment thinking about every ache and pain .i even wish stupid as it sounds i worried about some other illness apart from heart attacks/disease in my health anx warped mind other illnesses give u time to have treatment /fight the illness get ur affairs in order even say goodbye ,i know heart attacks arent always fatal but it is that complete fear when i get any chest pain death is imminent .i know my loved ones would cope if i died its me who couldnt cope leaving them even though i d be dead . see completely irrational thinking worrying about something i wouldnt even be aware of . just wish i could get past this fear and live my life again.