View Full Version : is this normal

jaded jean
26-08-10, 06:52
I have been back at work for two months now. That is good in itself for me after being off for eight months, I wanted to know if it par for the course to still be experiencing anxiety as soon as I wake up?? I am doing every thing I should and finishing each day free of concerns so why am I still getting this anxiety.Is it anticipatory anxiety or is it just me?? I am hoping that this will stop soon but I need reassurance so I can get to see that light at the end of the tunnel.:weep:
Thanks for reading Jean

26-08-10, 07:28
Hi Jean,

I wake up every morning with anxiey and like you often dont know why. Some days it disappears quite quickly but others (like yesterday) it lingers during the day. I think that it takes a long time for us to completely recover from a period of illness like we both had. I find the anxiety yes is there each morning but as the months have gone by it has slowly disappeared more quickly each day as time has gone on...then it returns again...if you get what I mean.

Hopefully we will both be one day anxiety free!!! I hope so. Feel pretty crap this morning again....I then lose my appetite and feel exhausted so wierd!! Its my monthlys so for me I dont think that helps either cos that always makes me feel crappy!!

Hope you have good day.

Take care

26-08-10, 12:46
Hi Jean,
this is partially also due to the fact that upon waking we are at our most defenceless. Until the logical brain kicks in we tend to get a rush of "what-ifs", or a feeling of dread without an actual "something" to dread.
It is also simply a "learned" behaviour that we get into the habit of doing. Wake up... OMG here we go again what if.....
I had this for years and also still get it if I sleep at lunchtime!! Takes me HOURS to get it into my head that nothing is gonna happen that it's just me being "what-iffy".
The only thing that helped me with this is just saying to myself as soon as it happens "OK Suz, this is ur brain playing tricks on u. There is NO reason to feel like this. I generally then get the dogs to come up on the bed and make me laugh (yes I know that I belabour the point about laughter but I have NEVER felt anxious whilst laughing so...).
I think the THOUGHT in ur head that this morning anxiety MEANS something is making it worse. So here's an idea:
Wake up
The anxiety arrives
Tell yourself that this is PURELY and idea in ur head and that it is NOT an omen of something

I know that doubt sets in as soon as u say this BUT persevere. As you well know: we ARE what we think mate.

Every single time I am hit by anxiety my knee-jerk reaction is :OMG WHATS WRONG WITH ME
But now I have learned to answer: Nothing is wrong with you Suz and distract myself. Sometimes its easier sometimes harder to do. But it works.
I too would like to be anxiety free and have been for months at a time. However, I have also learned that if I just wait to enjoy life if and when I will ever be free of it then I will surely have wasted a hell of a lot of good times so...

Love ya Jeanie

PS It could be worse you could be living with me next door to ya!!!

26-08-10, 16:32
I also wake up every morning feeling anxious .... it's horrid. Shakey, heart racing etc etc. I have to get up, whatever time it is, then I go and play a few games of solitaire or one of the games on this site, and gradually it subsides. I get so fed up with it - and I am sure my husband would like me to stay in bed sometimes! It was interesting to read Suzanna's post regarding 'learned' behaviour and I shall take that on board and try and beat it. Good luck to everyone suffering from this flipping condition. x

26-08-10, 17:10
Suzanna THANKS for a great reply. I usually "rattle" for at least an hour every morning (or what seems like) and give in every time thinking "here we go again". I am going to try your approach and say "Okay Kev - it's your brain playing tricks again!". I have had this for ages and always just given in.

I also get anxiety attacks in the car on the way home which is weird. All about "should have done this and not that - what-if etc." I will try your approach next week (been off work for a bit). I will try the "Suzanna method" in the car too. Thanks again. Jilly - I completely agree - it is Really Horrible.

Sorry to rant but I am new here so finding my way round the forum.

jaded jean
26-08-10, 17:41
rant away mate it helps!! Suz is good with her advice and no Suz living next door to you I would be pulling me hair out hahaha. jo thanks again it just so pees me off We are all going in the rught direction with work etc and this bloody little gremlin has to burst in and say what if why dont I should I do...can I deal with that the list is endless but it comes into your head a million miles an hour. I got up got dressed had breakfast and was ready for work by 7 how daft is that then I did my work - I fiinished my visits by 10.45 and my manager keeps saying are you doing all your visits?? yes of courseI have god almighty!!I am like the road runner!! and to cap it all I went and did 4 hours in the local charity shop!! now I am knackered too tired to think about anything

26-08-10, 18:51

Cheers "rant away" It does help! You are right about Suz. Slow down love - you are going TOOOOO fast. Bless. :hugs:

27-08-10, 12:28
Hi guys, thanks for the compliments and please feel free to compliment me at any and all given opportunities it does wonders!!!
@Kevshoping - Welcome on board and please come visit us in chat too! Also, the nicknames we give ourselves are very telling so yours tells me that you are already on the road mate!
@ Jean ffs woman you'd LOVE having me next door!!!
@ Jilly - learned behaviour is a b*itch to "unlearn". It's like driving, you know how when you change gears you don't THINK about depressing clutch etc? Well this is the same it's engrained in your unconscious and believe me YOU (all of us) do not WANT to give it up! There is a part of us that "believes" that we are protecting ourselves with this behaviour. Our ancestors couldn't allow themselves to walk out of the cave blisslessly ignoring hungry lions so they were "on alert". This is what we are doing - minus the lions (well here in Corfu at least don't know about you lot). So every morning when you try and say "stop it's just ur brain being silly" your brain is gonna scream right back at you: 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, no it's NOT. You're DYING EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK'. Just keep calmly insisting.

it can be done and if it can be done then we can do it.

Suz (demurely crocheting an anti-lion shield