View Full Version : Help please - want to come of meds now...

26-08-10, 08:34
Please help I pretty desperate today.

I have been taking Sertraline for just over a week - and I want to stop today, I dont want to take them anymore - will I get withdrawal symptoms even tho I have only taken them for this short time?

I am taking them for anxiety but it has gone throu the roof - but worse I am now depressed - I wasn't before the meds.

I have spent the last week not moving from my bedroom, not really communicating - I dont want to do anything other than lay in bed staring at the TV and looking at this site for answers. This is not good as I have a three year old that needs me but I even feel indifferent towards him. I am so tired. I used to be able to do some things through my anxiety like taking my son to the park - now forget it! I feel useless and a burden to my husband - he has been good.

Want happens if I do come off my meds? Will I go back to me again? am I changed for life...I am so worried, dont know which way to turn!!!!

I have booked a CBT on Tuesday with a guy whose been throu agoraphobia himself.

Sorry long-winded, but any advice will be much much appreciated - I need hope that I will return to me.

Prior to Sertraline I was put on Flueoxtine for 2 weeks but that made me really manic.... my life has stopped and not sure if I can cope :weep:

26-08-10, 09:32
Hi the first week to 9 days will leave you feeling worse. However once you get through that you'll notice your anxiety dropping.
You're so close now. I would carry on.

26-08-10, 10:31
hi i have panic attacks and agraphobia i dont take meds for it.i think that going to see the cbt will help you.try your hardest to think positive as your body reacts to your thoughts.if you can manage to get yourself moving even around the house one step at a time.

26-08-10, 14:01
if you feel like you can't cope and the meds are making you worse call up your doctor.

26-08-10, 14:16
Thank you all...

I have decided not to take my meds has from today - should have taken it at 12. I feel better for making that decision, worried about any withdrawals symptoms but will deal with that if/when it comes. I think the best way for me is through CBT - I so hope it works, as desperate to get my life back

26-08-10, 14:33
I too have stopped taking meds because i could not cope with the anxiety, felt like i was going a bit mad, plus the side effects freak me out.
I do find the omega 3 tablets to be somewhat helpful plus they make you smarter lol.
good luck with the CBT x

27-08-10, 11:41
Hi amber's I know it might seem scary but you are taking decisive action which is just gonna make you stronger. I'm on fluoxetine and its working for deppression just not the panics. I really think that cbt and other ways are the best ways to treat them. Stay strong chick and you will come out smiling x