View Full Version : Worrying again :(

26-08-10, 10:56
I'm still really worried at the moment over this lymph node on my neck, its on the left side just above the collar bone in the hollow area, i have one on the other side as well that is slighly raised. But this left one is really quite swollen , not painful or hard , i showed the doctor it a couple of weeks ago and he did say it was swollen there were no hard lumps and it was nothing to worry about, the thing is i still am though. I read that with lymphoma you get just one node swelling up a lot which is what's happening. I have also been feeling really tired just now and anything that i do tends to bring me out in a sweat.
I had a crp test 2/3 months ago which was raised but when redone was back to normal levels so am thinking maybe that was the start of this as i can't remember if the node was raised then, i just dont know what to do next and am feeling really scared and think something horrible is happening :(

26-08-10, 13:48
Aw hun, this is just anxiety i promise. Your dr is sure that node is just reactive and not cancerous and that is why they arent doing anything more, not becuase they havent realised and are not helping you .

The sweats im afraid are caused by the stress your under with your anxiety. Its so common, i have this too and so do loads of people on this forum.

You are suffering with anxiety and your stress hormones are making it really difficult for you to see the true logic here. I read this really usfull thing today that im am going to attach to this - hopefully !!

pm if you like , its good to talk about the actuall anxiety prob rather than the ins and outs of health issues that we just dont have


26-08-10, 21:12
I am still in the same position as you hun!
I have exactly the same glands and one of mine is more swollen then the other.
I also have one on the side of my neck, which has been there for years.
My CBC showed a slight inflammation so i got sent for a biopsy =(! - doc says it is nothing to worry about as he thinks it is an infection but pfft i'm still worrying.
In your case though - your bloods returned to normal which shows that it was just an infection that your body fought off :)! If it was anything nasty, your bloods would not have returned to normal, the inflammation would have increased.
Trust your doctor.

It is possible for some people to be able to feel glands in their neck and other places in their body. I have always been able to.
&glands come up and stay up for all sorts of reasons - even something as silly as a spot.
The thing we are both worrying about most is actually the least likely reason for the glands swelling.

Anything else you have experienced is down to anxiety.
When i was really panicing about the glands i was experiencing tiredness an sweating (mainly because i was googling symptoms) but after I calmed down and realised that if it was anything serious the DR would have got me in for a biop a lot sooner then sept 10th -the symptoms went away.

I know how you are feeling though! But i know you will be fine :)
PM me if you need a chat XD xxx

27-08-10, 08:42
HI kittykat,
i just thought i may be able to reassure you a little, i have a raised lymph node in exactly the same place as you have described and has been there for 2-3 years, my GP didnt think it was anything to worry about, but refered me to ENT department to check and sure enough they said the same!!! its just a lymph node, sometimes they come up when we are run down or poorly, and dont go back down again!!!

hope this helps take care x

28-08-10, 13:41
Thanks guys for your replies, just got round to reading this, i just wish i could get this niggle in the back of my mind away........i hate the worry it causes, Helenlouise i replied to your other post but just want to say that i hope that your biopsy goes okay and at least you've not got too long to wait now please let us know how it goes , i just cant remember if this gland has always been raised or not it was during one of my prodding sessions that i discovered it wasnt the same as the left one :( but i don t feel ill which i suppose means something as if it was a lymphoma surely we'd be getting a lot of other symptoms now yes ? And thanks also Kay for replying its good to know someone else has got this and has been told everything is fine x