View Full Version : Have I done it this time? Help Please...

26-08-10, 13:48
So, I have myself totally worked up this morning. Let me start by saying that I am an occasional (weekend) drinker and along with that, a weekend smoker. I don't drink/smoke during the week at all, and usually only do both one night on the weekend.

This past weekend (beginning Friday night) our kids were gone with their uncle, so my husband and I decided to go out. Drank quite a bit of beer on Friday night, but no smoking. Woke early on Saturday morning, not feeling too shiny, but had to play a golf tournament. Started drinking beer around 10am and continued through the day until around 10pm. Of course, desire got the best of me and I smoked approximately 10 cigs from around 4pm-10pm.

Woke up Sunday morning feeling like total and complete crap with a whopper of a hangover. Pretty useless all day on Sunday, just laid around. Woke up Monday morning, still not feeling too shiny. Pretty run down and sort of "like I was coming down with something." Woke up Tuesday morning after not sleeping well at all on Monday night still not feeling too good and with a tickle in my throat. Started coughing a bit--So--now it is Thursday and I have spent the last couple of nights having coughing "fits" in the middle of the night. I am very tired as I have not slept well due to the coughing. Of course, this morning, I did the worst possible thing and actually Googled. BIG MISTAKE.

Here's the problem--common sense tells me that I was probably trying to get some sort of virus or something and the extra drinking lowered my system enough for me to finally get it. The cough of course is from bronchitis or something and will go away in time. Google, of course, is telling me that I should get to the Dr. because I have given myself lung cancer. I fully realize that that does not happen overnight, and there would be more symptoms than just my cough. For instance--today I actually feel pretty good, still have a bit of heaviness in my chest, but no shortness of breath, wheezing, loss of appetite, etc. Someone please tell me that this has happened to you----I have actually been praying repeatedly telling God that if I get over this with no problems that I will NEVER smoke/drink again, and I mean it. Help me please---I would love to hear your stories in order to reassure myself and just to know that there are others out there like me.

26-08-10, 14:19
A guy at work is a bit like you in that he only occasionally smokes and usually after a few beers when out at the weekend.

He said that he doesn't know why he does it cos he gets a really bad chesty cough afterwards and then regrets it.

I expect this is a similar thing.

26-08-10, 15:15
Thanks, Nicola. It is very hard to convince myself that this too will pass. I think that what is the most bothersome is that I have been unable to ward off these thoughts for a long time now. Don't want to relapse into thinking that every ache and pain is a terrible disease. Not sure why I googled this morning, but it certainly didn't help matters. Anyway--thanks for taking the time to reply.

26-08-10, 15:28
I forgot to say :welcome: aboard as well!

26-08-10, 15:35
I used to be the same , i was what you would call a social smoker and drinker just at the weekend that was before my health anxiety kicked in , i don't smoke at all now haven't for about ten years but i still worry if ive done damage that's still yet to manifest itself ,although i had a recent lung xray and ct scan and all was clear ( that was totally unrelated) phew! But i do find if i have a wee bit much to drink it can take me a couple of days to come to again and i find that it makes my anxiety sky high so i try and limit myself to a couple of glasses of wine or beer at the weekend, so you are definately not alone in how you are feeling ....its just rubbish isn't it x

27-08-10, 12:49
Thanks so much for your reply, KittyKat. I feel much better today and realize that it was just my stupid anxiety raring its ugly head yesterday. It always helps to hear that someone else has been where you are!

Thanks for taking the time to reply!