View Full Version : meds different brands?????

26-08-10, 13:55
hi folks

going through a rough patch at present on citalopram gone from 20-40 mg ive remembered the last time my anx was bad i ended up a month before when i was fine taking a different brand of citalopram from my usual brand i was on for months.the brand name was bristol and i was on these for ages before the pharmacist gave me a different brand.now i have realised again that last month when i was ok i was given another brand i took these for a month now the same thing has happened my anx has gone bad again coincidence maybe?what does everyone think


Lion King
27-08-10, 21:35
Anxiety plays tricks on the mind! I changed brands and thought 'will this affect my anx?', This only raises your worries! After a while there was no real difference, its all the same!

27-08-10, 22:26
maybe its because you have upped your dosage, 20mg to 40mg is a big jump.
hope you feel better soon.

27-08-10, 23:02
thankyou maybe

is it really like starting again when they stop working if you stay on the same ones?


28-08-10, 00:03
I'm not sure if I should post this, in case it makes people freak, and Lion King is right about anxiety playing tricks. But ... a few months ago I felt my mental state deteriorating badly, I'm on 40mg fluoxetine. I was beginning to wonder if I might need to up my dose again. Then two things dawned on me - I felt similar to the way I did when I was withdrawing from another AD; and I'd got a different manufacturer's fluoxetine.

So I got a new prescription and took it to a different chemist, got a different kind and within a few days I felt fine. No idea if it was a psychological thing or not, but I don't go to the original chemist any more.

28-08-10, 00:13
ok here is my take on this.

This month I got a different brand of tablets to what I usually have. These are Ramipril for blood pressure.

When I saw the pack I was thinking "oh no these are a different brand than I usually get" and I did get a bit anxious

So what I did when I got home was mix these new ones with my old ones (I have those pill sorters as I take so many tablets a day).

So I had no idea if I was taking the new batch or the old ones and guess what? Yup I have been fine and no adverse reaction.

I think it is all about familarity and the fact that we like to trust one brand and not another.

i guess it is like swapping some food stuffs for a different brand and we think we won't like it as much.

I have been reassured by GP and the chemist that the underlying tablet is the same and it is just they get different suppliers sometimes (maybe saving money I have no idea lol).

So the long and short if it is this:

aspirin is aspirin whether you get a brand make or Tesco own and it is the same with drugs - they are all the same it is just that we convince ourselves that we don't trust a new brand. The mind is very powerful in proving that we can make ourselves ill if we believe we are not getting the same thing but at the end of they day I proved it this week by having no idea which brand I took on which day and I am sure you are the same if you stop thinking about it.

Lion King
29-08-10, 19:16
Good Comments Nicola, I love your quote with your signature!

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

29-08-10, 22:05
Thanks Lion - I thought the signature was very appropriate for a lot of things in life.