View Full Version : Confused

26-08-10, 17:12
I've been posting a lot recently haven't I :P

Can anybody relate to how I'd describe my panic attacks...
(I'd say I have 50 % of the symptoms on the symptoms page 24/7 off and on all day with or without panic but I would say I live in an almost constant anxious and tense state).
Sometimes I feel like I'm burning up, my breathing becomes abit shallow like I've forgotten how to breathe and have to remember how to, sometimes my chest feels tight but my heart doesn't always increase, it can feel like it's slowed down or stopped sometimes.

Is it normal that once you've calmed yourself down some of the sensations still remain? Breathing still feels weird for ages? Still feel really warm? Feeling drained and spent. I feel like I'm on constantly on the edge, like my breathing will kick off any minute as I know it hasn't fully subsided, Can't shake the worry that it'll come back and won't stop until I'm... well, y'know..
I don't think I even need to think anxious anymore, I think my body's just used to it.

26-08-10, 17:15
Hi, Im just the same as you at the moment, constantly aware.:weep:

26-08-10, 17:22
It's horrible, my mind is never elsewhere, my friends (who I rarely see now) seem to be getting annoyed and I can see why.. I make everything about me and how I'm feeling.
Friend: "I did 30 minutes on the exercise bike before"
Me: "At least you can, I feel too crap, dizzy, achey"
Friend: "I'm hungry"
Me: "Wish I was hungry, forgot what it feels like to enjoy food"

Ugh, can't escape my head/body, wish I could.:mad::mad::ohmy:

26-08-10, 19:30
I know it is hard to look further than yourself and what you are feeling when you feel so overwhelmed with feeling so rubbish yourself, it is hard to think about anything else, just try not force it, and it will come when you don't realise it, you will then think to yourself I forgot about what Im feeling for a while then, this has happened to me in the past. It does get easier just try not and dwell on your symptoms, I know eaiser said than done :) but it does ease up.

26-08-10, 19:33
Are you currently on any medication?

26-08-10, 21:17
just a bit of advice try not to talk too negatively around your friends,
I only know this because when my friend was depressed, she was so negative it made me not want to talk to her much.
saying that, today..
friend "I would love to visit Australia"
me "there is like tones of poisonous snakes and spiders that can kill you!"