View Full Version : glad i changed my doctor

26-08-10, 18:53
I vistited my previous doctor at least twice a week complaining of chest pains,shortness of breath etc and he kept on telling me it was anxiety, iwas taken into hospital a few times with chest pains to be told the same, I did have tests carried out on my heart and was told because these was ok it has to be anxiety. I started cbt therapy and it did help with regards I no longer go into a massive panic with my chest pains although they are still there and still very painful. A cardiologist asked if I had had my tftp's checked in my blood (dont know what these are) and I said no as my gp is convinced im just anxious so she told me to change doctors which I did and guess what......full bloos tests,heart ct scan(which was ok). My blood tests have shown low b12 and low calcium which is probably caused by being anemic and has the following symptoms:chest pain.palpitations,shortness of breath,twitchy achy muscles and tiredness all of which I suffer. My worry is that by being ignored by my previous doctor it will lead to more serious things like stomach cancer which this can cause if left untreated and I was ignored for over 2 years so im waiting for my hospital appointment very stressed and angry with my doctor. Thanks for listening and sorry for the long post.

26-08-10, 20:06
hi i know how you feel ive been going back and forth my doctors because of serve chest pain went to hospital too had bloods and ecg all was ok every one telling me it bloody anxiety, so i change doctor went yesterday because i had shortness of breath after 1 examination they find i have pleurisy which is on the verge of phenomena if i didnt get treated fast, and i thought i was going mad
zoe x

26-08-10, 21:57
Zoe: your post struck a chord with me i too was very poorly last year same symptoms i went to my gp who sent me away telling me to take some calms!! Went back 2 more times 3rd time i went I was told I had viral pneumonia caused by an really bad infection of pluresy!!! I was livid and I complained! Was horrible! Glad your sorted now :)

If your not happy with first opinion always go for and 3rd or 4th if needed
