View Full Version : Hello

26-08-10, 19:06
Hi all,

I have been reader but not a poster on this site for quite a while now and have to say that knowing other people have the same problems can be very comforting. Not that I would wish it on anyone, but you know what I mean. You just don’t feel as alone! My problem is health anxiety and it has plagued me on and off for the last 8yrs or so. My particular illness up until now has been cancer and I have had (not) several varieties over the years, although at the moment heart anxiety has a hold on me, like many HA sufferers most of me knows there is nothing wrong but then there is always that little voice saying What if? What if the doctors are wrong? What if something bad happens? Sometimes that little voice and be very loud! At the moment I have chest pains that come and go, tightness in my chest, a rapid heartbeat (feels rapid to me anyway!) and quite bad anxiety. I have been on and off paroxetine for my HA over the years and despite reading bad things about it, I just know that it has helped me lot and I’ve just gone back on it after being free of HA for a couple of years.

Anyway i could waffle on for ages but just wanted to give myself a short(ish) introduction and say hi to everyone!


26-08-10, 19:07
Hi andy404

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-08-10, 19:20
well done. you now have your own thread. i can't talk just don't seem to be able to get it together. I admire you. Really hope this works for you. All the best.

Vanilla Sky
26-08-10, 21:45
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x