View Full Version : Restless and scared.

26-08-10, 19:13

This is my first post on this forum. I should probably give some background med info. I started Seroquel 50mg 2 weeks ago. Tried going to 100mg and had a nasty bout of akathesia which was unbearable and caused me to go back down to 50mg. The whole point in taking it was be a safety net so I could implement sertraline at 25mg. I did so with minor side effects a week ago. I've been napping alot and I take it at night with the seroquel because it nocks me out. My dosage was brought up to 50mg two nights ago and pretty much instantly my avoidance to going outside (agoraphobia) decided to rear it's ugly head again. I had experience some relief for two weeks due to the seroquel I believe but now I am experiencing inner restlessness and an intense fear that this will only get worse. I asked my doctor to prescribe me a benzo to help in case of another akathesia episode due to the sertraline but she said she'd like to avoid that unless totally necessary. Now here I am, basically holed up in the house, terrified that if I leave I will have a panic attack. I have zero faith in my coping skills at the moment and I feel trapped. I fully believe this is due to the dosage increase and from reading alot of these posts concerning how long it takes until the anxiety decreases... well the thought of dealing with this for weeks until it subsides is making me depressed and scared. If this progesses the way it did on seroquel, well... let's just say I'm not sure if I could handle it (another bout of akathesia). I'm forcing myself to go to the mall today with my husband. He gives me a sense of safety but the idea of going down to the mall to meet him with my two year old is terrifying me.

I'm going to force myself to do it, it's scary with my two year old in tow. It's hard to handle her too let alone myself when I leave the house feeling like this.

I just want this high anxiety to go away. My OCD is flaring up, I feel like I'm living out the movie Groundhog Day. Same thoughts over and over again. I'm scared I'll never get better.

It's hard to talk to people about it. I don't have many friends because of all of this. It's hard to get to know people when my head is already so cluttered.

Any input or even some personal experiences would be great. I just want this to pass quickly. How do I get through this? How did all of you get through this? Has anyone ever noticed an improvement in anxiety earlier than 4 weeks?

27-08-10, 09:38
read my other post... trust me it seems less scary after a week but takes a good few weeks to completely go... stick it out i no the feeling xx

27-08-10, 10:45
Hi Micheal,

I had skimmed your post much earlier and I guess missed the OCD part. If you don't mind me asking, do you have purely obsessional or are you fully compulsive? I have "Pure O" with some mild compulsions. My heads always racing and this constant state of fear is driving me mad. It's like I'm stuck on the same thought over and over again and I can't break free and if I do, it's to something more scary and more terrifying. This med is making it far worse. Thanks for doing your post. I do feel a bit better reading your experience. I want to stick it out, I know I have to. Going to see the psychiatrist today. I have a party this weekend that requires my attendance and even the thought of going is inducing panic attacks. I was supposed to work up to it and now due to family obligation (my husbands family who I have anxiety issues with, not my own) I have to throw myself into the lion's den and I'm terrified. That with the anxiety from the meds. Well, I feel like I may not make it through the weekend without having a terribly messing public mental breakdown.

Thanks again for the reply! If you can manage this and everyone else who posted, I can too. I hope.

Thanks again.

28-08-10, 14:15
I just wanted to update. My doctor prescribed me .5mg Klonopin to help so I've been cutting them in half and thank god for my med sensitivity, that's been enough. I got the first really good nights sleep last night because I wasn't twitching and fidgetting all over the place. I must say. I feel like I have my body and mind back. This will also allow me to get to a reasonable dose 100-150mg of the sertraline without going crazy. Then I plan on dropping the klonopin. I think for once I'll be able to give an SSRI a chance before ditching out on it.

Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.