View Full Version : Is this where I introduce myself?

26-08-10, 19:38
So hi to whoever is reading, I'll try keep this short because I have a habit of rambling and there are so many things I could say but I'm going to try and not sound too odd.

I came across this place purely by chance, when I was searching google for 'fear of moving house' .. yep, you guessed it. My current anxiety issue is all because of that. After reading some of your stories and poetry I really felt this was somewhere I could come and talk to people who know how I'm feeling - because noone I know does.

My name is Stacey and right now I'm 19. I've always been quite an anxious person, but the trouble really started in the summer of 2003 when I was 12. Since then it's ruined pretty much every aspect of my life (which I won't go into details now because it's... there's alot)..

But I have been taking citalopram for five months now after I had a bit of a breakdown in February (another story).. and it's changed my life a lot. But now... my parents are really wanting to move house and I'm struggling to deal with the anxiety.

Well.. that's all I think I should say. I'm not really great with these sort of things so I'm sorry if that was dull. But I really hope I 'fit' in here... it's never been something I've been able to do before so I hope this will change...

Look forward to getting to know some of you :)

26-08-10, 19:41
Hi radougalkins

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-08-10, 19:45
Hello and welcome you will meet alot of friendly people here, you are not alone :) Im also on Citalopram.

26-08-10, 20:21
Hi Stacey :) I'm Emma, pretty new here as well! I'm 23 and I suffer from anxiety as well, have only been suffering with it for a few months, but it feels like forever! Previously suffered with depression, and it may sound crazy, but I'd actually rather have the depression again as at least I was able 2 do things without feeling panicky! Anyway, feel free 2 chat 2 me anytime, I'm looking 2 get 2 know similar people 2 hear there stories and how they cope! I too am on citalopram. Emma x

Vanilla Sky
26-08-10, 21:42
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x