View Full Version : Smear test question

26-08-10, 19:53
I'm 35 years old and in good health!! despite have HA!! I have routine smear tests every 3 years and all have been normal. I have been with my fiance now for 6 years, during this time I had a routine smear which was normal. I am on the pill, we dont use protection anymore and considering starting a family at some point.

My question is i am due for a smear test next week, what are the chances of it being abnormal? It worries me :(

26-08-10, 19:57
Very low I would say. Why would it be abnormal?

26-08-10, 20:05
Thats what I keep asking myself "why would it be abnormal" but I can't help but worry that I fall into the age bracket for cervical cancer plus being on the pill!! I start reading to much into it all and start freaking myself out, I don't discuss it with my partner, as understanding as he is he would think i am mad for thinking it in the first place!!

26-08-10, 20:17
I really don't think you need to worry about it though.

27-08-10, 08:42
I always feel extra nervous right before I'm due for a smear test, and they've always come back normal! I know how you're feeling, but I think that everything will come back fine, especially since you've gone every 3 years with normal results. Good luck and try to stay calm!! :)

27-08-10, 10:08
I had an abnormal smear this year and asked my doctor if I should stop taking the pill and she said no. Reason being is that the pill does not contribute to cervical cancer. there is just an association because girls on the pill are more likely to have had unprotected sex with someone who has the HPV infection (which if stays in your system can sometimes lead to cervical cancer). If you have been with your fiance for 6 years then it is unlikely that you have picked up this infection, though I do not know your sexual history before then. I hope I have made sense!

Even if you ever had an abnormal smear there is little to worry about, it is only pre cancerous cells and they whip them out before they could ever develop into cervical cancer (which takes years to develop)

Cell block H fan
27-08-10, 18:57
The pill only used to be risky in your 30's if you were also a smoker. When I had my abnormal result aged 21, I had slept with only 2 people, smoked & was on the pill. I stopped taking the pill within 2 yrs, still smoked & went on to sleep with about 20 more people since then (I am 39 now) & haven't had an abnormal result since. I think it's a combination of the pill & smoking that ups the risk. I'm not a big believer in promiscuity playing a part either. It actually annoys me when the press come out with that one. I know you didn't mention that, but we're talking about the risk factors. You dont sound high risk. And you haven't mentioned any symptoms. Even people that have symptoms can be diagnosed & still early enough to be cured completely.
I stress every time I have a pap test though I have to admit. I hate it. It definitely brings on the paranoia x

27-08-10, 19:12
I had an abnormal smear this year and asked my doctor if I should stop taking the pill and she said no. Reason being is that the pill does not contribute to cervical cancer. there is just an association because girls on the pill are more likely to have had unprotected sex with someone who has the HPV infection (which if stays in your system can sometimes lead to cervical cancer). If you have been with your fiance for 6 years then it is unlikely that you have picked up this infection, though I do not know your sexual history before then. I hope I have made sense!

Even if you ever had an abnormal smear there is little to worry about, it is only pre cancerous cells and they whip them out before they could ever develop into cervical cancer (which takes years to develop)

I went through the same experience. As Ellie says, remember that taking the pill itself does not increase your risk, unless you are having unprotected sex with someone who has the HPV virus. And I suspect of your boyfriend had it, you would have had an abnormal smear before now.


27-08-10, 19:35
Hi thanks for all ur replys, I had a cancellation appointment so I had my smear test done today!!! I was sooo scared but knew it has to be done. Better to be safe than sorry. I asked the nurse about the pill and she said being on the pill doesnt increase the risk of cervical cancer so thats good : ) unless I was out having loads of un protected sex.....which i'm not. I would be at higher risk if i smoked, which i don't. She asked me if my other smears had been normal and I said yes that also includes my current partner. She went on to say that its highly unlikely that anything would be wrong as it would have shown up in my previous smear test.

Still feel a little worried, as my results will not be back for up to 6 weeks, I could be lucky and get them back in 2 weeks!!

All I can do now is wait and try not to wind myself up!!!! :(

28-08-10, 23:25
if you have been with the same partner all this time, the chances are real low. changes to the cells are usually attributed to HPV. A sexually transmitted virus that almost all of us have at some point in our life. It usually sorts itself but sometimes needs help if your immune system isnt 100%. Mine took 2 years to clear. I would say, if yer still with the same guy, the chances really are minimal. x