View Full Version : Sudden Death?

26-08-10, 20:08
Firstly an apology - I often ask questions on here and I don't always reply, I'm having a bad time of it right now and I'm struggling to cope - I'm not able to leave the house without panicking. Tonight I'm all worried about sudden death, what are the symptoms? I get ectopics quite a lot (like a fluttery feeling) and get a pounding heart too - but don't get dizzy nor have I ever blacked out (touch wood).. I get like a lot of heartburn and chest pain at night too, i'm always burping :blush:. I have had an ECG whilst having an op when I was 15, would that have picked up any problems? I'm scared I'm going to die suddenly, especially after reading about soemone else affected by this in the news today.. Please help? Thanks xxx

26-08-10, 21:09
Im aographobic too and fighting real hard right now to beat it, I wouldnt saying Ive won but Im putting up a big bloody fight!
Ive read about sudden death and I dont think there are any symptoms. It is very rare and it would be easy for me to tell you to put it to the back of your mind or forget about it because you wont. When we have something in our minds thats where it stays no matter what we are told. I think about death every night when I go to bed and Im the only one left awake. Its scarey I know but we have to not let it be our every thought, try push it back a bit and keep your mind busy with other thoughts, soon it will be lesser in your mind.
I hope you can get passed this and think of your life as far to important to be worrying about death.
Take care,

26-08-10, 22:01
no symptoms? so there's no way of knowing whether I have it or not? Oh God. I know what you mean though, thanks for your comment xxx

26-08-10, 22:02
I dont know much about sudden death but I do know any problem with your heart would have been picked up by an ecg. If your still having chest pains you shouldn't stop chasing your doctor to rule out heart problems and other non-cardiac problems. Read my latest thread titled 'glad i changed my doctor'. Its put my mind at ease regarding my heart and hopefully will put an end to my constant pain. Try not to worry it is very very rare.

26-08-10, 22:05
OK that's reassured me - because I did have an ECG when I was fifteen, and I'm nineteen now, so maybe I shouldnt be so worrried. I think the chest pain is heartburn

27-08-10, 01:17
Im too scared to sleep now incase I die what if the ecg missed something? Im sitting crying and shaking cos am so scared . I cant let myself sleep just incase.

27-08-10, 02:08
Read a book or watch a movie and eventually you will become tired and fall asleep. Keep telling yourself that your thoughts are just the anxiety talking to you - you are not going to have a sudden death. Distraction is key - get your mind off of things. If you find yourself thinking about it, then calmly bring your attention back unto other things.

27-08-10, 11:34
Sudden adult death syndrome is very rare.

It is caused by undectected heart conditions such as Long QT syndrome (A rare genetic disorder that causes fainting on exertion), and Cardiomyopathy (Thinckening of the heart muscle, also genetic). These conditions can be detected and a lot of them do cause symptoms. Long QT is diagnosed by using an ECG and Cardiomyopathys can cause changes in an ECG but is diagnosed by ECHO.

If you have any history of sudden death in your family then you must get fully checked out. Otherwise you have had an ECG and if there was anything wrong wIth your heart something would have shown up then. If your symptoms get worse or even just to put your mind at rest, go and speak to your GP.

Anxiety can mimic heart condition symptoms, trust me I've had them all! You'll be fine.

More info in SADS:


27-08-10, 12:08
see that's what bothers me, my dad was adopted and I dont know his biological family at all (plus he's never met his dad) so goodness only knows what I could be at risk of? I do think though that since I've had an ecg I should maybe calm down a bit

27-08-10, 12:22
your 19 and most definatlyshould not worry about dieing, you need to try every step to start facing the world cos its not all so bad! its so true about life being what you make it! do you have ne hobbeis? reading or drawing?

27-08-10, 12:42
Hi daisycake,
I hope I didnt frighten you with my comments about sudden death not having any symptoms, I didnt mean to and I apologise. Ive only read snippets about it and I should not have said anything as Im not really well up on the subject.
I really do think you should keep your mind active with other thoughts about living and making plans for your future. In fifty years you will look back and wonder why you spent so much time fretting over this.
Take care and apologies once again

27-08-10, 12:44
Hi i`m so sorry you feel this way its an awful feeling, my biggest worry is sudden death & have had many different anxiety symptoms over the years, an ecg would have deff picked up any heart problems & your only 19 so it would be very very unlikely, i think you should go and see your doctor who could reassure you this is anxiety, i know what your going through & have just been through a very difficult time myself and at the time you think your never gonna feel normal again, don`t let it win, take care of yourself hope you feel better soon xx

27-08-10, 13:49
A lot of the conditions that cause sudden death have symptoms like fainting for no reason, or chest pain from a young age. An clear ECG is a great sign that your heart is just fine. Obviously you're going to hear stories of people that have had clear ECG's and still fall victim but they usually have a long history of heart problems in their family.

You're only 19 and death should be the last thing on your mind, I know anxiety can make you think this way, it does to me but life is just too short. Again these heart conditions are rare and almost all of them would show up on an ECG which you have had and it was fine so please don't worry. If you have any concerns about your symptoms then go and see your doctor for some peace of mind.

27-08-10, 15:12
Thanks everyone, I really really appreciate your comments, you've calmed me down a bit, I seem to be in a constant state of panic sadly but am trying rescue remedy and my mum has offered me to take some cough medicine tonight (I do have a cold) and that contains a little codeine so might help a bit, I also have nightime rescue remedy etc. It's the pictures I get in my mind of like dying and stuff and not being able to control it, very scary. It sounds ridiculous as well but every time I leave the house I panic I'll die - it's horrible, the only way I feel I can stop it is by like swallowing constantly and um jiggling my leg haha - and when I can't swallow I panic, feel I'm dying, go all woozy, it really scares me beyond belief. My sister - she's autistic - has a party tonight in town but I don't know how I'll get there without losing it, I can't look at the sky without feeling incredibly dizzy. I've got my doctor on Wednesday night - she's good at talking but not so much for action, but she's a lovely person, I wrote her a letter explaining why I feel as I do and if she can try to help me, I'm really worried and half tempted to phone NHS24 as last time I did that I got to speak to a CPN which really helped me but I'm unsure what to do. I realise these things must be very rare and since I've never blacked out nor had any funny symptoms that my doctor couldn't explain, I maybe shouldn't worry. I did have an ECG which was clear so maybe I'm worrying needlessly - I'm thinking about emailing the charity for it to see if they can give me some advice to calm me down, is that a bad idea? I want to get better, like you've all said I'm 19 and I need to get my life back - I need to go to the hospital next week and I need to go on my own so I have to work out a way of calming down xxx

27-08-10, 15:13
Hi daisycake,
I hope I didnt frighten you with my comments about sudden death not having any symptoms, I didnt mean to and I apologise. Ive only read snippets about it and I should not have said anything as Im not really well up on the subject.
I really do think you should keep your mind active with other thoughts about living and making plans for your future. In fifty years you will look back and wonder why you spent so much time fretting over this.
Take care and apologies once again

Carol, please don't apologise :) honestly I'm good at getting myself in a panic over the slightest of things, please don't feel bad :) I know, I need to start living haha xxx

27-08-10, 15:58
We-ell I emailed the charity just for more reassurance so we'll see x

27-08-10, 16:04
Hi again,
I have trouble swallowing and it isnt nice. I carry a bottle of water everywhere, which seems quite trendy these days! It does help. You are doing the right things by fighting this and perhaps getting information may help and put things into perspective for you.
Take care xx

27-08-10, 16:19
We-ell I emailed the charity just for more reassurance so we'll see x

What did you say to them? Do let us know how you get on :) x

28-08-10, 00:00
Just what ive said to you guys, she said she'll mail me an advice pack. Im scared tonight though as my heart feels really slow and im suddenly very tired but i guess normal too?

28-08-10, 21:04
Ok well I managed the party, I managed to get to sleep last night and I managed to go for a walk this afternoon on my own - good eh :) .. My only worries are that after doing some mild/moderarte exercise earlier my chest got quite sore - but it just felt like indigestion and went away quite quickly once I relaxed a bit... when it came on again burping relieved it! Quite tired after exercise too but I suppose if something bad was going to happen I'd have fainted or something right? I'm away for a swim on Monday - when I went last week I ended up really tired but I've had a really bad cold so I'm wondering if that has an effect too. Can't wait to see the doctor on Wed - as bad as that sounds - but I really need someone to speak to and she might be able to reassure me over this..

29-08-10, 17:09
Well done on going to the party, having a good sleep AND going for a walk alone!!! :)

Best of luck at the doctors on Wednesday, let us know how you get on.