View Full Version : the positive power of distraction :-)

26-08-10, 20:50
just wanted to share a bit of a personal break through!
i posted a while back about being really anxious about something i would normally really look forward to - a music/ arts festival!
anyway i went to the festival and i did have a panic attack in some form or other each day...usually in the morning!
BUT with the help of my fella i managed to come through each one..what i realised was that it was when i wasnt doing very much (ie no distractions) i started to question how i felt, Id notice the tiniest of ailments and start to focus on them..often leading to overbreathing...id then start to feel panicky that i was ill or worry that i couldnt just escape to somewhere 'safe'.....however, as soon as we were watching a good band, or sat in a group of friends chatting and laughing i started to feel better in a matter of minutes....the anxious feelings would come back in small waves..but the more i got into what everyone was doing the less they effected me!

the power of distraction is amazing...and as much as id rather not have had any anxiety attacks at all over the weekend, the fact that i did, and there was nowhere to escape to and i had no choice but to come through it has i think done me a lot of good!
its made me realise the great effect negative thinking can have on the way you physically feel...and so positive thinking can do the same...just in a good way!

now the weekend is over i realised as well how much id been worrying about it in the run up....and how much lower my anxiety levels are now (this could also be the fact that i spent a week with people i love and enjoy the company of; always good fot the positive vibes!)

im not saying im over all my worries at all...im sure in th enext few weeks ill be worked up about something else... but the power of distraction is definitely going to be one of my tools to pull myself out of future episodes!

this may or may not be helpful to anyone else....but im feeling a lot more positive about getting over this!


28-08-10, 10:08
thats is so true distraction is a very good thing, like you i have also noticed when my mind isnt busy thinking of something my anxiety and panic pops up alot more. xx

28-08-10, 10:20
I use my ipod for exactly the same reason, while i have music to listen to i cannot think about panic its just too difficult to focus on two things.

I now find i don't need to use it so much anymore as the anx feelings are few and far between.

28-08-10, 12:53
Yay well done you. You have discovered the cure to anxiety. Well the closest thing there is to a cure that is. Its when your mind has nothing to do it only has itself to focus on. Like a depressed budgie pulling out its feathers. The first step is to be doing something.

30-08-10, 16:52
So so true...I know that each morning I wake and feel anxious but up I get and on with it...what else can you do??? And before I know it I feel "normal" again!! Distraction is one of the best tools we have.


25-09-10, 11:12
So true tinydancer. If I am feeling anxious, I hate to be alone, I need someone there or at the end of the phone. I have also have bought a Tai Chi dvd, I whack my Ipod in and go for a walk, I ring up a friend and meet for lunch etc.. I am learning (only 6 weeks in so far with these horrible episodies), that if I am alone and not distracted, the horrible negative thoughts creep in. So I keep thinking of ways to distract myself that are good for me as well!

paula lynne
25-09-10, 11:17
Thank you for sharing your positive experience! well done you, keep it up x:)

26-09-10, 06:41
glad you went and enjoyed your self.
same here it's when I'm stuck inside that my anxietys at it's worst.
I know it can be hard but getting out for a walk can be so good plus it helps you sleep.