View Full Version : Blood bisters on tongue

26-08-10, 20:51
Hi- hope someone can help me.

I am really ran down at the moment and I keep getting blood bisters on my tongue. I am worrying that it is more than bisters!!!!

Has anyone else experience this as maybe a sign of being run dowm / anxiety?


26-08-10, 20:57
I get little uclers on my tongue when I'm anxious or exhausted...they look a bit like blisters and are painful.

26-08-10, 21:00
These blisters are purple looking and do not hurt? I know it has nothing to do with food as I am hardly eating at the mo :weep:

27-08-10, 08:37
Funny you should bring this up...I just found a blood blister on the inside of my mouth and it scared me so bad! It doesn't hurt and is such a dark red in color it looks almost purple or black, I had never seen one before, and I showed my mom right away fearing the worse. She took a quick look and said "oh, I've gotten those before..it's from accidently biting the inside of your mouth or tongue". I felt so much better, and even went online and found images of these blood blisters in the mouth that matched mine. I decided if it doesn't go away or get better in a week or two, I will take a quick trip to the dentist for another opinion.

27-08-10, 11:38
I have been getting these for years, however recently started to get them more frequently. A few months ago I had one that was so big that I had no choice but to burst it and I was in agony for about a week afterwards. I eventually went to see my GP who said it was caused by 'trauma' which I had guessed as I could feel the blister filling up as I was eating.

Since then I've had a few more. Small ones don't hurt at all and I just leave them. The bigger ones are not painful when they are there, just get in the way of eating. Even when I burst them they aren't painful for a couple of days, then the pain kicks in where the side of the tongue is kind of raw.

Mine seem to have got worse since I had a lot of dental work done and I think the bite from my new crowns might be making it worse. I know I should just go and see the dentist but at the moment I just don't feel up to it :blush:

27-08-10, 15:39
Thank you everyone - I feel more relaxed about this now :)

patty sordiff
21-02-15, 12:45
hi,i have a blood blister on the side of my tongue also,i know where it came from,i was having a back tooth taken out,i noticed the doc having trouble getting it out,then all the sudden i felt pressure on my tongue,so i tapped him to let him know he was leaning on my tongue ,which was pressing on my tooth ,bottom tooth ,ever since then,ive had this blood blister,its been there for at least 4 to 5 months,im wondering if i should go have it checked out,it doesnt hurt,but now its starting to bother me,a lil bit of itching,its weird,what should i do? thanks:unsure:

21-02-15, 22:07
I get these quite often because I bite my tongue and the inside of my mouth when I'm asleep. Sometimes I don't even know I have done it until I see them, but sometimes I will wake myself up with my teeth clamping down on my tongue or cheek.

patty sordiff
17-04-15, 13:28
hi,yes i do this also,but i have had this blister for too long now,when i touch it,it is not hard,it will go away when i press on it,you know like when you press on your vein,and it turns a normal color until you let itgo? well thats what mine is doing,but the past couple of days,its been really itchy and bothering me,starting to hurt my throat,guess im going to go see my dentist,since they are the ones that did this to me ;\