View Full Version : tongue ulcer.. please help :(

27-08-10, 10:21
I always get tonge ulcers when I am run down but they normally go after a day or two.

I have one right at the back of my tongue, but it has been there for well over a week now and not really responding to Bonjela

I am so frightened that it is mouth cancer, I am 20 and have drank quite heavily for 2/3 years and smoked on and off.

It hurts when I press down on it.

I am not sure how long it has been there either which adds to my worry further :(

I read the statistics of mouth cancer which said that around 80 people under 30 get diagnosed with mouth cancer a year but I am still not calmed by that cause I just think now I am one of those 80 :(

I have never heard of a condition which symptoms involves prolonged mouth ulcers.. normally I can calm myself a bit by thinking of other less fatal illnesses my symptoms could be..

27-08-10, 11:40
Please dont worry...

I have had ulcers that have taken weeks and weeks to clear! A couple of weeks ago I had a mother of all ulcers on the roof of my mouth covering the whole back of the roof... I curently have blood blisters on my tonque - which I posted about earlier. It seems the more run down and stressed I am the more likely to have a mouth full of sores !

27-08-10, 12:33
My daughter has an ulcer at the back of her mouth right now. She thinks she may have burnt her mouth on something hot she ate, could you have done similar? Its being a bit persistant and has been there since Monday.
I wouldnt worry too much as ambers says the more we worry the longer they stay! Have you tried a moth wash and gargle it? Or even salt warm water.
Take care,

27-08-10, 13:27
I have suffered from mouth ulcers a lot in the past. I've had them on my tongue, gums and roof of my mouth before. I have just had a little one on my tongue which is starting to heal now. I would suggest rinsing your mouth with warm salty water (you only need a couple of teaspoons of salt) after brushing your teeth in the morning and when you go to bed. This should help the healing process along. Hope it feels better soon :)

27-08-10, 13:34
Hi there

Just to say that apparently mouth ulcer can be caused by a virus and just need to run their course. All bonjella does is numb the pain. It doent have any anti viral or antiboitic effect so it totally cool that it hasnt gone becaseu you are using it.

I would think that when you feel anxious like that you wouldnt really be soothed by reading statistics unless they said something like ' mouth cancer can only EVER occur in dogs and never in humans'!! or would you then say to yourself.....maybe thats wrong .....maybe i am a decendant from a dog originally?!?!?!

Dont read that crap about mouth cancer. if the ulcer bothers you ask the dr, never ask an internet site that cant anwer your questions and if you dont beleive the dr ask another one.

Dont worry hun before you know it your MOUTH ULCER NOT CANCER will be healed and in the past.


27-08-10, 13:43
I've had virus related mouth ulcers recently but they were a bit different. I'm not sure if there are several viruses that produce mouth ulcers but mine caused painful yellow ulcers all across the bottom half of my mouth (gums). I don't think one ulcer in isolation would be caused by a virus though I'm not sure. Mine just ran their course as you said and then healed up (over the period of a week). The dentist said it was due to anxiety, lack of sleep and not eating properly (I got it when my anxiety was at it's peak a few weeks ago).

Moonlight xx

31-08-10, 10:45
thanks everyone.. its very hard to be rational sometimes but this forum and everyone on it is really helping me!

I guess i try to "soothe" myself with statistics cause it is how everyone else tries to soothe my anxiety.. by saying "only 1 in 10 cancers occur in under 30s" and stuff. Lisa is right that I would only be soothed if the statistics said it just occured in dogs..