View Full Version : ive quit smoking

27-08-10, 10:26
hi folks

as very very hard as it is i have quit smoking right in the middle of my anxiety flare up is this a good idea cos i dont know if its making me worse and i am wondering if i should wait till anx has passed then quit feel like im taking too much on at once.

27-08-10, 21:39
Hi Wiggly

Well done on giving up smoking! I know how hard it is, I gave up September of last year, I had smoked for 37 years. It's bloody hard, but if you wait until you're not so anxious, you will never do it! That being said, do it when you want to, if you don't want to just now it may be harder.

Good luck and congrats again.


27-08-10, 22:13
thankyou elspeth

did it help with calming anxiety?


28-08-10, 13:05
Well done Wigglywoo12. You've done the hardest bit of initially quitting :yesyes:
I quit smoking because of my anxiety. I'd have a cigarette to calm down a panic attack and then end up feeling sick from it which would make me worse. So I just stopped. I've been a non-smoker for about 2 months now and my panic attacks are now few and far between. I definately think quitting helped to reduce my attacks.

28-08-10, 13:24
How did you guys give up the ciggies? Did you use patches, or hypnotherapy etc? Or just stopped?



28-08-10, 15:37
I just stopped one day

28-08-10, 16:56
i get a wave of anxiaty after a fag, i was wondering if anyone else gets this at all, or if it was just me, i can be fine, then i spark up and i automatically get a general anxious feeling, its obviously the fags.

28-08-10, 16:59
i get a wave of anxiaty after a fag, i was wondering if anyone else gets this at all, or if it was just me, i can be fine, then i spark up and i automatically get a general anxious feeling, its obviously the fags.

That's exactly how I used to get

28-08-10, 21:54
Wiggly - it has helped with anxiety, 'cause ciggies are a stimulant that effects every part of your body and will get your heart beating faster, in turn will make you feel anxious etc. I know some people say that ciggies calm them down, so I don't know how you are being effected.

Dahlia - I didn't use anything at all, I had some circumstances that made me give up which I don't really want to go into, but I thought that if I used the patches or whatever, I'd still have to get off them.

Sometimes I would KILL for a ciggie, other times I the smell makes me feel sick!!!

Well done Shinderuko.


28-08-10, 22:01
Thanks Elspeth. The smell makes me feel sick now and I'm super sensitive to it. If someone walks past me I can tell they smoke because of the smell but before I would never have noticed.

29-08-10, 23:36
keep at it wiggly,
theres never a "right time", so just do it.
day 9 for me on champix , the wonder drug.
your anxiety will improve, hang in there:yesyes:

30-08-10, 13:00
Just to add a good site for support with quitting is www.quitnet.com (http://www.quitnet.com)
I dont think I would have kept trying and eventually I succeeded in quitting if it werent for that site. And also my anxiety and panic attacks have reduced to nothing much since quitting. Stick at it and pm me if you need any help or support.

30-08-10, 13:07
i get a wave of anxiaty after a fag, i was wondering if anyone else gets this at all, or if it was just me, i can be fine, then i spark up and i automatically get a general anxious feeling, its obviously the fags.
I find the first couple of puffs reduce my anxiety. Then I get a slight nauseous feeling in my stomach, and my anxiety increases to worse than it was before.

I really would like to quit, but I do find a cigarette first thing in the morning really helps me get over my early-morning angst. I feel like cr** when I first wake up.

30-08-10, 20:34
I used to make excuses that quitting would make my anxiety worse, which it can do i think. However, it you wait until your anxiety is better, you'll never do it.

I quit exactly 2 years 11 months ago and i was at one of my lowest ebbs at the time. I had smoked for over 10 years. I used the nicotine patches which helped me so much. They're not a cure, as you still need the right mentality.

I still suffer with my anxiety, so it's hard to stay whether quitting has helped significantly, as i have many other issues to resolve. One thing i am certain of, though, is quitting is/was 100% the right thing to do.

Keep going, but do it fully committed as half-hearted doesnt work, which is why so many people fail.