View Full Version : Tingling in hands/going to sleep?

27-08-10, 11:32
Just wondering if anyone has experienced this before?

The last few nights I've woken up overnight a few times and my hands have been totally numb/asleep. I've been lying flat on my back with my arms flat beside me so haven't been lying on them or anything.

Of course I googled and it may be a symptom of poor circulation, an early sign of heart disease. Also I've got some tingling in my hands and pain occasionally in my arms. But the tingling/pain has been going on for a while now, the numbness overnight is new.

Has anyone experienced this and has it been totally harmless or an indicator of something serious? I am overweight and my cholesterol and blood pressure are a bit higher than they should be, so anxiety about heart attacks/disease is one of my biggest concerns.

Thanks in advance.

27-08-10, 11:37
Hi, have you discussed your concerns with your GP? I get the body tingling in my arms and upper body, but this is down to anxiety. :)

27-08-10, 11:41
I've got an appointment on Tuesday with him, so will definitely bring it up then. It's just a new symptom for me, wasn't sure if it might have something to do with anxiety or not.
Thanks for the reply!

27-08-10, 12:12
What other symptoms are you getting at the moment? The tingling is not nice one bit I understand how your feeling xx

27-08-10, 23:48
I always have on and off a sort of 'straining' feeling in my chest but it's been happening for so long that I've come to accept it's an anxiety/tension thing. Also feeling breathless on occasion for no reason. Pain in my arms occasionally.

Last night wasn't so bad (I'm in Australia) but I'm still feeling a bit odd so looking forward to seeing the GP and finding out what's going on.

28-08-10, 00:04
I get this and had physiotherapy. It is my posture and I am not sitting right in the day.

I only get the numbness at night and not at all in the day.

My left arm and hand go numb and I do not sleep on that side.

After physio the numbness goes away then comes back again a few days later but they have told me I am hunching my back and not sitting upright.

It is the muscles in my back that cause it so it may be the same with you

28-08-10, 00:27
i get this all the time. I wakeup flat on my back with a dead hand. Freaks me out BIG TIME! Thinks its repetitive strain - gets worse if Ive been at pc all day. Hope this helps x

28-08-10, 12:26
I have had this for over 4 yrs it affects mostly my right hand and only my thumb and first two fingers and is only numbness at night - I was sent for nerve tests in case it was carpel tunnel syndrome but these were negative and was told it probably from the arthritis in my neck and also that being overweight can cause exact same problem because of the pressure of the fat on nerves!! I am worse in summer and better in the cold weather and again this is because warmth makes your tissue swell.