View Full Version : Hello I'm new here

27-02-06, 16:00
Hello. My name is Jason and I'm 37 (as you may have guessed). I'm totally new to No More Panic, I only discovered it today.
If this isn't the right place to post this, would someone kind please tell me and I'll move the post - thank you.
Here's my story. A week before last Christmas (2005) my wife told me she had met someone else, which had made her realise how unhappy she was being married to me, and she wanted to end the marriage. In fact she wanted me to move out. We have 2 brilliant kids (I know every parent thinks so, but they really are) - a son of 10 and a daughter of 6. I didn't move out because I wanted to be there for the 2 of them, which I have been as much as I possibly can ever since. We haven't talked to them yet, as I would prefer to have something concrete to tell them about what's going to happen, but I know time is running out.
We have to sell our house and find new places to live.
We had been married for nearly 12 years, and together, with one short break-up, for 18 years. You don't have to be a mathematician to work out that's been the whole of my adult life. Now solicitors are involved and the divorce process is under way.
Now, 10 weeks on, I carry around a deep-rooted anxiety almost all the time. Everything makes me feel afraid to the pit of my stomach, and nauseous. The biggest fear is how the children will feel when we tell them they have to leave the only home they've ever lived in, and how they will feel about the idea that they won't have me (or her) there any time they want. I can almost feel their fear and uncertainty as the foundations of their world so far start to shake. I will do anything I can to help them, but I'm frightened it will not be enough to stop them suffering.
The future is also so scary it makes me want to curl up in a ball and hide. The idea of being on my own - I'm not good at being alone at the best of times - makes me go cold all over sometimes. I already miss having someone 'special' to refer to, and ache so much for some affection from somewhere that I want to cry. I feel bewildered and lost every single day. The idea of having another relationship at any point feels alien and unachievable, I don't feel like I fit anywhere, or with anyone. (I did love her.) I change between thinking I have a lot to offer someone, to thinking why on earth would anyone want someone so broken and with such a lot of emotional baggage.
In the aftermath of Christmas (Christmas Day was the worst day I've had) I wanted to end my life it hurt so much. Of course I couldn't get any further than that thought because I have 2 responsibilities who need me now and for years to come, and who I committed to being there for.
I started a new job in January, which also carries a lot of responsibility, and I am doing my level best, but sometimes I think the worst and what would happen if it doesn't work out... I try very hard not to think about it.
I cannot talk to her because her anger and caustic put-downs still scare me (that's really great for the male ego, that...), even though there is nothing left to lose; and because I get so angry and upset about it all myself, that my feelings would betray me if we spoke. Whenever I get a text, unless I know who it's from, my stomach ties in knots and I feel sick, in case it's her texting to say she's going to be out all night again, and make me feel in pieces all over again, for hours. I can't stand someone having this power to hurt me.
I feel guilty about so many things - what a betrayal I am going to perpetrate on 2 innocent people who deserve none of it; how angry and resentful I feel; the many failures I must have racked up over the years to get her to this point (and nothing is ever one-way, I know); how difficult I find it to go on when I should just reason my way out of it; and more.
It's not like I don't have support from people; I do - although I suspect I am likely to wear most of it out soon; I am sensitive to becoming a perpetual whinger. Although you may not think that, having read this post.
Unless I take a One-A-Night Nytol (I really do

27-02-06, 16:05
Hi Jason

Welcome to the forum.

There's no right or wrong place on the site to say hello for the first time. The important thing is that you are here now.

Your definantly not alone with how your feeling, plenty of us on here are going through the same as yourself, you will get through it.

By browsing around you will see lots of help, advice & support.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

Ma Larkin
27-02-06, 16:38
Hi Jason, I'm 39 & what happened to you happened to me. My hubby had an affair with my best mate, so my kids lost a dad & a godmother. That was 3 years ago. We lost our home that was big, secure, but most of all full of laughter & love. There was no reason for him to go out & do it, "it just happened!" Thats all they said. Lucky for her, her hubby took her back because it didn't last (her hubby was my hubby's best mate) so it was all for nothing. My hubby begged me to take him back, I told him to sling his hook! I now live in a council house, but you know something Jason, at least its full of laughter & love again, even if it is without the bloody two-timing cheat!! I know you'll feel awful at the moment, but things do get better. I won't lie to you & tell you that it'll get better before it gets worse because it won't. Every emotion you are feeling right now, I've felt over & over again. Its something I'll probably never get over, but i'm living proof that I did get through it, & you WILL too. Just love your kids & be there every step of the way for them. They need you mate. You need them.

Take care, Les

27-02-06, 16:45
Thanks Les, I know I will store up and remember what you've said, and one day when the future is a little easier to see I will know you were right. I look forward to that day. I hope all that laughter and love lasts forever.

27-02-06, 17:12
jason welcome. everyone has a hard story that has brought them here but you are in the right place. emonionally you are feeling bruised and i hope we can at least help you understand the feelings of anxiety you are going through. i am here if you need me and am thinking of you

27-02-06, 17:26
I do hope to understand more about feelings that can get so bad they affect you physically, which I've never really had before. Even the 'First Steps' part of the site told me some stuff I didn't know before. I'm already grateful I stumbled across this site, the more so because people (like you) seem to have kind words to offer, and those are very welcome when you're like this.

Sue K with 5
27-02-06, 18:26
Hi Jason

Welcome to NMP!

You have been through a massive roller coaster of emotions in just under three months and your life has been turned upside down, no wonder your feeling anxious and panic ! What your feeling is like a bereavement, a sense of loss, because you know very soon your family life will change, but this could be an excellent opportunity for you to spend more time with your children and enable you to rebuild your life again.. 37 is never too old.

There are various methods you can use to try and relieve the anxious and panicky feelings without having to go onto medication and you can see the many options on the forum, We are also really good at talking and listening as you might have gathered so anytime you want to talk to one of us just PM and we will always be here to listen and help in anway we can.

Your not alone! and you will get through this.

Your are obviously a very loving and dedicated Dad of two great children, they will always be in your life and they will always love you!

You will not find this easy but you will cope and you will get through it.

Take good care and pm any of us any time.

Sue with 5


27-02-06, 18:26
Hi Jason

Please keep your chin up. With all that has happened you will come out stronger for it.

Keep positive & when you need us we are all here for you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

27-02-06, 21:55
Wow, Susan and Alexandra, I already knew I'd found a good place, but I'm really speechless at how much care the people in here will offer. Susan, I read your post with tears in my eyes, I don't know many people who are really able to understand what I'm feeling, not their fault necessarily, they just haven't been through anything comparable. How could they understand that you can ring someone up and be unable to talk because your chest is just too tight? And you can hardly breathe? The kind words I read from both of you make me feel there are ways somehow that things can be got through. I am grateful for any glimmer of light like that, I genuinely am.

27-02-06, 22:02
Hi Jason

We all do our best on here to help each other. As sue said if you need to pm then please feel free. You are not alone.

keep Positive

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

27-02-06, 23:34
Hi Jason

Welcome to the forum. We are all here for you xx

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

02-03-06, 14:35
Hi Jason

Reading your story almost mirrors mine except I plucked up the courage from somewhere to leave my 16 year marriage which became abusive after I began having panic attacks over 8 years ago. I left 8 months ago. My ex-husband bought out my share of the family home and I now live alone in a flat. I have never lived alone and it was pretty scary especially when you have GAD and are agoraphobic. But 8 months down the line I am still surviving, Apart from jumping right into a new relationship which is a bit of a disaster at the moment, life is pretty good otherwise. My teenage daughter lives part week with me and part week with her dad and it works out OK. You will get through this and the good thing about this site is there will be other people who can probably relate to what you are going through, so you will get support here.
Take care and it will work out for you.


........life is for living not just for surviving

02-03-06, 17:09
Hi Jason

I read your post and a few reply's with tears in my eyes too. i found this site yesterday and i am astonished at the proof that there is decent human beings still out there. this is proof to me that i now have a lifeline there to help with sound advice.

I also found it to be a breath of fresh air that a man can vent his feelings in the way you have. So many men bottle things up.

I wish you all the best for the future and hope that things all work out for you. This could well be a stepping stone to greater things to come.

Keep your chin up

02-03-06, 17:43
Thanks Amanda, very much.
Did you get my PM message too?
Or is it just a coincidence that you found this thread?
It's funny how the 'right' people seem to find each other on this site, isn't it? The people who have been through some of the same things as each other, and know what it's like.
At least, that's what seems to have happened to me on here. I hope it's like that for you and everyone too. It's very helpful.
In just a few days I have come to value the site very much - it has really helped me stay calm today at work.
I'm very grateful. One day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time, but if one hour or one day is a bit better than it would otherwise have been, that's a step.
Hope you are having a good and peaceful day.

02-03-06, 18:11
Hi jason, many thanks for your pm, sorry I missed this post, have returned your pm, take care,xxxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx