View Full Version : For All The GAD/PA/HA/Depressed Guys Out There...

27-08-10, 12:46
I personally do not believe in many intrinsic differences between the sexes and those that do exist I believe can be attributed more to sociological conditioning rather then genes. I agree with Erich Fromm when he says that there are more differences to be found from person to person rather than between the sexes (although he DID say it more eloquently).
All sufferers of GAD/PA/HA/Depression etc. suffer. We all do. There is no "I've got it worse". Everyone's worst experience is their worst experience. Period.
However my tribute today goes out to the guys who suffer, as they have one more burden to add to their suffering:
In our society women, by virtue of their sex, have an inherent "right" to be "weak" and "hormonal". Men are supposed to testosterone-laden Rednecks (who will also preferably do some hoovering). So when they are struck down by this disorder they also have to deal with the disdain (real or imagined) laden upon them by family, friends, society in general. The feeling of being "failure" is much stronger in men. They can no longer be the 'breadwinner", the "protector" the "rock the family leans on". This is aslmost as devastating as the disorder itself and most certainly leads to a worsening of the anxiety too.

So, my hat is off to all you guys. Please remember that society's image of a "Successful Man" is about as relevant as society's image of a "Successful Woman" - (ie. 6' tall, 8 stone, perfect features and boobs that stay in place when you lie down.)

You all have my vote of confidence and my heartfelt support.


PS. before I am lynched: YES women too have unfair things piled upon them by society but in this post I was concerned ONLY with the guys; NOT comparing.

27-08-10, 15:59

Take it from a male - what a lovely considerate thing to say! I have to say that I am going through that "shame" right now. Off work - just been diagnosed - just started med and one of the the main things in my mind right now is "What will people think of me?" which, of course, adds to it all.

Male or female - that must be a thought with all - but I do take your point about the male stigma.


27-08-10, 18:55
well just DUMP the added "shame" Kevshoping like I am dumping the female "expectations"