View Full Version : Really Scared this is ms or a brain tumour

27-08-10, 12:49
Hi have posted before have been having a numb sensation on the right side of my face for some time & have had many positive repies on here which have really helped, on the same side the bottom of my right leg feels kind of numb or heavy & the lower part of my right arm, have convinced myself have ms or a brain tumour, but as i write this i feel fine so this is what makes me think its anxiety but i dont feel anxious until it comes on, surely if it was anything bad it would be there 24/7 what do you think, thanks so much xx

27-08-10, 13:28
Hi there

I was just just reading about something that explains what you are feeling really well. I looked it up becuase i am feeling similar stuff just now.

When you are anxious and also at other times, even when we drink coffee or coke and loads of other circumstances, our bodies release a hormone called norepiphrine. Its part of the group of adrenalines. Norepinephrine causes us to feel anxious its the 'fight or flight' hormone/chemical. Well unfortunatley this stuff also causes the arteries and veins in our extremities to narrow. (although our body changes our fluid balance in our blood at the same time to make sure there is still enough room for it to flow fine!!) It natures way of setting us up ready to act quickly . So this causes the blood in our forearms and hands and calf and feet to be draw away from the surface to the muscle underneath reasy to supply it for action! This gives us odd skIn sensations and an almost over awareness of these. For me it sometimes feels like my arms and hands are a bit puffy when they arent. The is why we get sweaty palms when we are scared for example or why the hairs on your forearms stand on end if you get a huge fright about something.....like reading dr googles prognosis!!LOL

try to be assured that your body is doing exactly what it should be in order to deal with the anxiety that you are telling it, this is a sign that you are healthy physically!!


28-08-10, 13:07
Thanks for your reply Lisa is does make alot of sense, its just convining yourself when its happening at the time that it is anxiety, again as i`m writing this i feel ok so i do seem to be having more better days so thats good, take care & thanks again xxx

28-08-10, 17:56
Why worry. I mean, so what you're numb and having strange sensations, its someone come to keep you company. As you've been anxious, a symptom has been given to you, which is what the anxious side of you has really wanted. Say to it: thank you for being my friend. But you can go now. Im ok. Im coping.
If you had anything wrong with you, you would soon know about it. All things that are facts of anxiety have that anxiety feeling about them - you just know its anxiety playing tricks. If you had a brain tumour very sinister things would happen, not just tingling and numbness. So be SOOO glad when in 1 week time you realise you are still alive and you are no worse and definately don't have MS or a brain tumour.
So relaaaaaax...and breathe.
I'm so sorry I'm in a really wierd ranting mood again. Just ignore me. Thank you.