View Full Version : Plucking up the courage to ring the doctors

27-08-10, 14:15
I need to ring my GP to get my blood test results back, trouble is I'm too scared to do it...all the 'what if's' are racing around in my head and my stomach is churning...The tests were because I have no energy and feel so tired all the time, probably anxiety related, but you know...what if??

Ahhhh...why can't I be like a grown up and just call them!

27-08-10, 14:38
Hi, I know exactly how you feel as I did the same thing and did not phone for the results as too scared! So just to let you know you are not alone. I think if something is really wrong they will contact you, but Im not really sure if they do or not, so I guess its really up to you and how bad you feel and if you feel really bad, best to get results so you can get some treatment. As I say I can't speak as I didn't phone myself! Perhaps you may go back to your doctor either about the same problem or another problem and just say "what were the results of my blood tests" if phones cause you, like me, intense anxiety.

Good Luck.

27-08-10, 14:59
OK so I plucked up the courage and rang and the receptionist said that they've come back 'normal or acceptable' Never heard that phrase before, what do they mean by acceptable?? Anyway, maybe I should make an appointment to figure out why i'm so tired all the time, if it's not physical then maybe it's emotional???

27-08-10, 15:04
Hi, Well, all I can say is well done, you are a lot braver than I am!!

27-08-10, 15:07
Not a case of being brave, just couldn't face a whole bank holiday weekend not knowing! Lesser of the 2 evils!!

27-08-10, 15:11
What was the blood test for?

27-08-10, 15:19
I just feel so tired and drained all the time, constantly feel ill and low. Doctor wanted to check my bloods, thyroid and glucose levels just to make sure there wasn't anything causing it. She did say that it could be stress, depression or anxiety that was making me feel this way, but my HA won't agree with that diagnosis, so wanted the tests doing for peace of mind...just wish I could wake up one morning and feel refreshed!

27-08-10, 15:30
Hi, I think acceptable means the thyroid and glucose levels were within the "acceptable range" at the time of the test.

I also think that as you have said, emotional and psychological reasons have probably a great deal to do with it when we feel tired and exhausted and stressed out.