View Full Version : panic attacks

27-08-10, 15:30
Feel really down today with panics and depression and problems. Hubby is not helping just picking on me and ignoring me

27-08-10, 15:47
Awww sorry to hear that Simba..why is he picking on you and ignoring you! thats not good! Can you get out at all? Go round a mates who will be more supportive! xxx

27-08-10, 16:17
don't go out much cos of the panic attacks and agorophobia. Me and him just not getting on and he makes me feel worse about myself

27-08-10, 16:28
awww I bet it does, I have listed some helpline numbers for you on your other post.

Shame you cant get him to bugger off for the day and leave you alone to relax!

27-08-10, 17:11
thank you Verity

27-08-10, 18:36
Thats ok...Godbless you xxxxxxxxx