View Full Version : 3 Days now

27-08-10, 20:10
I have had 3 days of heart fluttering with big palps, burping, nausea, bloating, no appetite, no way to relax, muscles pretty much fully tensed all the time and because of that feeling depressed.

I dont know what to do, nothing is calming me down.

27-08-10, 20:23
Have you tried Rescue Remedy? It's a good short-term aid but you really do need to get to the root of your anxiety. Are you receiving any talking therapy like CBT, counselling etc? Also try to keep active - exercise is excellent. I do pilates and swimming every week followed by steam and sauna (the clean type lol).

27-08-10, 20:24

Sounds like you are in a state of high anxiety, and in a viscious circle of keeping yourself in a state through over thinking possibly.

Have you tried to distract yourself? I found that when I sunk into these longer periods of anxiety, going for a brisk long walk helped to keep my mind off the thinking.

27-08-10, 20:49
Yes, exercise DEFINITELY helps. Even going for a brisk walk makes you feel better afterwards.

27-08-10, 21:05
I have taken a couple of nytol tablets, i feel more relaxed mentally but with the weakness, shortness of breath etc it makes me more worried.

Also my chest feels tight, I spoke to NHS direct, they said anxiety.

27-08-10, 21:08
Also im finding it gets worse when eating, so ive only had about 300 cals today :(

29-08-10, 12:31
I have found that during these long periods of tenseness, only two things provide instant relief, one is exercise (although I'm not at all sporty, so we're talking a walk around the block), and weirdly, crying, really crying my eyes out, which is difficult if you're at work! but at home it's the best way. It's amazing how difficult it is to cry when your so anxious I find...

29-08-10, 12:43
going for a walk always sound good but i am to in high anxiety stae but agraphobic o the brisk walk is out excersise is good and crying yep that to only thing with that is some times i am to angry to cry if that make sense ble all of us anxity people lv trish x