View Full Version : I did it again...nose cancer :S

27-08-10, 21:11
ARGHHH! i hate google!

I posted a few weeks ago explaining that i was worried about a gland in my neck, which i have to have a biopsy on on the 10th sept. This was due to a blood test that came back showing a slight inflammation. Luckily though, i came down with a sore throat and tonsil thing a couple of days later which i'm hoping was the cause of the inflammation.
Still freaking out though as my initial thoughts were "OH MY GOD, it's lymphoma."
I was reassured by friends and family that if it was anything to be concerned about i would have gotten a biopsy a lot sooner and wouldnt have to wait a month so I've been relatively calm this past week.

However, my HA kicked off again tonight and I stupidly googled lymph nodes and something new came up..."Nasopharyngeal cancer."
Never heard of this one before so what do i do?!....I google the symptoms.

Swollen lymph glands on the side of the neck, where one is larger than the other - I have had this since i was 5 (i'm now 20)

Another symptom was a blocked nose! I have been having a blocked nose for a while now, which i put down to anxiety. I had sinus problems when I was young so this has never bothered me but now, having read this on google i'm freaking out and am convinced this biopsy is going to come back bad!

What makes it worse is that this cancer is one of the worst ones.

Why do we google?
We're just torturing ourselves :( xxx

28-08-10, 09:59
Hi Helen,

Im the same as you at the moment , my one gland on the left is larger and im worried in case its lymphoma, when i showed the doctor it he had a quick feel and said it was although it was swollen it was soft and there wasnt a hard lump and he wasn't concerned but im scared he's missed something, im so worried about it at the moment , but i have not googled as it just makes matters a thousand times worse.......so please ban yourself from using it . As for the nasal cancer my gland is enlarged and i have never suffered from any sinus problems so im sure that's not what's causing it and anyway that must be incredibly rare.
When do you get your biopsy again is it soon, and where is your gland swollen about mine is in what i would describe as the hollow bit of the neck above the collar bone to the side of the neck bone if you know what i mean ...my right gland is obvious as well but not as swollen, but im like you at the moment freaking out a bit and wondering if i should go back again and see the doc , maybe we can help each other get through this :(

28-08-10, 20:48
Thanks for your reply!
Yeahh! My glands are exactly the same as yours and my left one is slightly more swollen than the right.
I also have one on the side of my neck, which is the one i am having biopsied on the tenth =s. I've had it for aslong as i remember though and i think my WBC count was higher because of a throat infection I came down with a day after my blood test.
I'm still convinced its going to turn out to be lymphoma though.
I can't remember if i've always had the other gland though - i've never really poked around in my neck until my OCD/HA kicked off about glands :(!
At least we are in this together :)!
Definately banned google!!! :P
Hope you're okay xxx