View Full Version : Taken my first step at last...........

28-08-10, 00:08
Well since my last post I decided finally to just go for it and tonight I took my first ever antidepressent.........ok no big deal, but, it is for me as it is for alot of people on here. Fear of medication is awful because we know we need the tablets and in reality it should be making us better, but we also know it may make us worse on occasions. Hmmmm dilema . So after suffering all my life form one phobia or another, and all my other baggage to go with it depression, anxiety yada yada yada.......... I have mustered up the courage to step into the unknown, can hardly believe i took the tablet and when i did i freaked right out but couldn't make myself sick to get rid of it as I fear vomiting too HAHAHA!! got to laugh really. So it is in my body now and has been for 3 whole hours....I think I had every side effect known to man in that 3 hours....NOT! I just think I have. It is going to take few more pills I would think before I know if it is going to settle with me. I hope to goodness I don't throw up because I shall never take another if I do. Anyway, just wanted to share that in case anyone else is struggling with getting that little tablet out the box, then out the foil, then breaking it in half, taking half, then the other half....I NEVER dreamed I could or would do it but I have and you can too. You never know it just might work and not upset you at all...... I am going to remain positive and really try to stick with it, I have told myself, any side effects I will put up with as long as I can (vomiting being the exception) I just want to get out of this black hole I have fallen into and come out into the light.
Fingers crossed..................

28-08-10, 12:11
I slept well for the first time in weeks, woke up once with awful nausea and today I feel sick and have a an upset tum. Also tremors and sweating, even my toes are sweating it is a bizzare feeling. Bit dizzy, spaced out but nothing major. Can this be side effects so soon ? Anyway I guess I will take another tablet tonight and just take each day as it comes, hope this is as bad as it gets. Anyone had side effects get worse over time ? I know it will take weeks to kick in and do the job.

Happy Bank Holiday weekend to all

28-08-10, 14:46
what are you taking?
I doubt it would be side effects so soon to be honest, more likely to be the anxiety.
Good luck and well done for taking that first step x

28-08-10, 22:09
Hi alicegreen

thank you for your reply. I think you could be right those symptoms being anxiety and also lack of food . I did sleep better than I have in 2 weeks and really couldn't get out of bed this morning I felt so awful . Usually I am up and pacing after 2 hours sleep in the early hours. I am taking 20mg Citalopram. I am so scared of medication due to bad times in my childhood, so have got through life off my own steam . This time depression, anxiety and panic have finally got a hold and I have been to a dark scary place in my head for weeks now, So I went to see my GP and I know I have to take these tablets because I can not go any further down. The only way is up. I have 3 Children to be around for, grown up but still my Children.After losing 1/2 a stone in a matter of a week from no food and lots of cigarettes, I have no energy and I shake all the time.

It is time to get better and for me to have actually swallowed a tablet (2 now, I just took todays) I know in my own heart that I am unwell and need help. I am helping myself along with my Doctors advice, she is seeing me on a very regular basis at the moment and has sent a letter for me to see the CPN. That will take time but I have made a start. Just got to believe in these tablets and pray they don't make me vomit, that is my main worry at the minute. How long do you think I will be taking them for any side effects to kick in , if at all ?

Thanks for reading and any advice would be greatly welcomed.

29-08-10, 00:02
Bless you, its bloody horrid i know.
im just on week 3 of sertraline, tjougj this is about my 4th time of taking it over the past 16 years. Each time for me its different but i think that you neef at least 2 weeks to be getting side effects in my experience. The way that i personally cope with side effects is to distract myself after each pill (i walk my dogs) and tell myself that side effects are a positive sign that the medication is getting into my system to start helping me to feel well again.
Its horrid being in such a dark place, but hang on to the fact that you honestly will not always feel the way that you do right now, and believe it x

29-08-10, 00:03
bless you i dont no how long they take should imagine at least a week if ony there was a pill without he side effects reading your thread i thought oh ny god that sounds like me i never taken anything to scared of side effect please let me no how it goes take care lv trish xx

29-08-10, 08:48
Hi Alice and Trish

Last night I went to bed and tried to read for a while, couldn't concentrate but I did nod off to sleep again which is lovely. I remember waking uo with a start and yelling out as I had what I can only think was muscle spasm in my foot It was awful and my Son actually came into my room to see what was the matter as I had yelled out......happened again at some point in the night/early hours in my hand and arm, I just massaged it until it came good and went back to sleep. No nausea today as yet, just shakey but that's normal for me these days.

I will continue with the tablets see what happens. At least if I can get my head in the right place I will have the strength to go through the ordeal I have ahead of me with the ESA ect. Lord knows where that will lead. I sure know I can't work feeling like this and the thought of what is ahead is keepng me down. Oh I am a mess.

30-08-10, 17:34
Well 3 days on Citalopram and I can't say I like them but if this is as bad as it gets I can cope. Maybe the effects will get worse? maybe they will stay as they are which I am hoping. I am sleeping so deep which is a bonus, but boy I feel nauseous and shakey. Anyway just thought I would give that little update. What a nightmare eh, stupid me and my phobias and depression.

30-08-10, 22:24
hi i went onto citalopram and my doctor said it can take upto 7 days to build up in your system and become effective. keep going and see how you get on. i was on the verge of my sanity when i began my treatment and a week later i was a different girl. i could finally start looking after myself again. it made a huge difference. my side effects were for about a week then they disappeared when the tablets started to take their full effect. hope this helps you in some way :)

31-08-10, 09:29
Thank you Cherly I am sticking with the tablets. Had 4 now and sleeping really well. very dozy in a morning. Had some strange moments but short lived so hopefully I am going to be able to tolerate them I have to because like you I am on the verge of my sanity too. I see no light at the end of the tunnel and am not functionign very well at all. Feeling very sorry for myself at the moment and just want to get better and start to live again.

02-09-10, 21:15
i was in the same position as you 18 months ago and also started taking citalopram.... I felt wretched into the second week.... tired... nausea... distant feeling. I decided to stop taking them and get through things on my own.

fast forward 18 months...... couldn't do it - for 18 months i have struggled and things came to a head 4 weeks ago when everything in my head felt like it was exploding.

I am now into my 3rd week of a different tablet - lofepramine. I have found this less problematic.

the moral I think is to stick with the tablets.... i gave in too easily to avoid the worst period...... and 18 months on ... in a worse position.

So stick with them...... good luck

03-09-10, 18:35
Hi paulmgreen

thanks for the advice. I am just about hanging in there and am going to give this my best shot. Things can only get better right? Damn sure they can't get any worse.

I hop you are doing ok. Good luck with the new tablets.