View Full Version : Just went to A&E

28-08-10, 02:34
I have been getting more anxious the last few days so took the £20 taxi to A&E and told them about my palps, dizzyness etc.

They were very friendly and took my pulse, blood pressure and did an ECG. They said my heart wasnt just good but perfect and that anxiety can easily cause palps and other stuff.

They advised to try taking a diazepam and also answered some other worries of mine.

I saw 2 nurses and an A&E doctor (spoke with her for about 40 minutes).

So that has taken away some of my anxiety about my heart.

28-08-10, 03:50
aw thats lovely that the nurses were understanding!
glad to hear your feeling better.
i think you did the right because at least now your not so anxious.

28-08-10, 09:27
The £20 taxi would have given me palps ;).

You need to use this experience as a positive mate, pop it in your mental anti-anxiety toolbox. Next time you get in an anxiety state over the condition of your heart, just remember that the experts (who know a little more than you on medical matters ;)) have stated your heart is perfect :).

So next time? you know it's just anxiety, nothing more sinister than that :)



28-08-10, 09:52
I'm so glad you have had a lot of reassurance from the hospital. I hope this really helps you to be less anxious :hugs: