View Full Version : Found an "odd" way of getting to sleep!

28-08-10, 16:56
Very much mind over matter - but I've been struggling to get to sleep with all these worries. So last night I was lying in my bed as usual panicing, after lying there for an hour fidgeting and fighting the urge to nod off, I decided to set my phone alarm to wake me up at half one so that I'd know I was still alive (!) and OK. So anyway, I set my phone, stuck it on my pillow, turned over and the next thing I knew it was ten am! Might try again - the back of my mind knows it is really silly, but it seemed to work as I fell asleep! Sooooo chuffed :D

28-08-10, 17:16
i struggle every night....im gonna try this tonight

28-08-10, 17:36
You can also try writing down all those thoughts that are stressing you out as they pop into your head. Then you can work through them in the morning.

28-08-10, 17:46
Oh dear your alarm didn't go off then! Interesting technique.