View Full Version : chipmonk

28-08-10, 18:58
hi everyone, im new to all this computing lark so please bare with me. I suffer from depression and anxiety and have done so for years without much improvement after several changes of medication. I have just been put on Mirtazapine and having really bad side effects, this is my fourth day and they are horrific. I feel like im out of my body, feeling woozy and unsteady. I have chronic headaches and ache all over. My appetite has gone into overdrive and im thirsty all the time. Despite been told that it will help me sleep it hasnt and when i do the dreams are vivid and very upsetting. I am on 30mg and was previously on duloxitine. What im really worried about is my temper and anger which has become frightening,i can fly into a rage about the smallest thing can anyone relate to this and give me some reassurance that things will get better on mirtazapine. I not due to see my psychiatrist for another 10 days.I have never experienced side effects like this before on any other medication. thanks,all replies welcome

28-08-10, 19:02
Hi chipmonk

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-08-10, 16:31
HI Chipmonk,

If you look at the medication area there are threads there on mirtazipine.

I have been taking mirtazipine for almost 6 months now, started out on 15mg upped to 30mg now on 15mg and hoping to wean off soon.

The side effects you describe I had all of them too!!! The dizziness etc should disappear soon, it took me a couple of week to get used to them. Hunger is common and so is weight gain...unfortunately for me I have gained about a stone on mirt, but this does not happen to everyone. The angryness is common too, I had that but it did settle after the first month or so...my poor family!!!

All in all after taking citalopram and other meds this one got me into a much better place, helps me sleep really well too.

I wish you well, but take a look at the mirtazipine threads...will help you. Post for support if you need it. Have been there and know what its like.

Take care and hope you feel better soon.
