View Full Version : does any one feel out of breath EASILY

27-02-06, 18:04
does anyone find that when they run up the stairs or do things that made u rush around before u can feel ur heart pumping faster than normal, this makes me think i have a heart problem, does anyone experience this

27-02-06, 18:15
Hi katy

Yes to your question & it is perfectly normal hun.

Thats just you given your heart a work out running up those stairs, its good for it to beat like that.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

27-02-06, 18:35
thanks alex keep in touch

27-02-06, 19:38
yes katy, many times i promise you are not alone.

i think if you think about it less iot becomes less noticeable, as it is our focus on our anxiety symptoms that is the problem

i hope you start to feel less afraid that this means heart trouble, as you will feel better if you do

27-02-06, 19:42
thanks jackie[8D]

27-02-06, 20:09
yes katy all the time i get it even when coming out a bath .i think its all our nervous tension.sometimes im scared to do anything as it really frightens me .but as ive been told many times it wont harm us. marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

27-02-06, 20:33
Hi Katy

Yes i get that problem too i even check my pulse aswell don't know why but i always do. I too get it mainly when i run up the stairs.

linda xx

27-02-06, 22:52
hi katy,
i get this the whole time, to the point where i can't even run for a bus, let alone go to the gym or whatever.
i have started yoga, which seems to help with the whole breathing thing.
henri x

27-02-06, 23:45
I feel out of breath alot of the time as well, but i have asthma as well so that does not help lol, i find going up the stairs terrible lol, it makes me really out of breath and my heart pounds.

28-02-06, 01:25
yep i get out of breath when doing normal exertion type stuff and it has in the past set off a panic,i too check my pulse,must look odd to others!try slow deep breathes it slows your pulse down,it is all normal, it's that we are all sort of over aware of our bodies functions!take care,Mary-Rose.xxxx

28-02-06, 14:19
Once we start to be aware of it then we are even looking out for it.

I am very aware of my heart beat particularly when I run upstairs but if I have lots of other things to think about then I don't notice it. So it shows how this is a mind over matter thing too.

I was like henri last summer and started to avoid exercise to avoid feeling my heart beating too fast or whatever. I too do yoga and it's fab but to get myself over this little hurdle I bought a mini trampolene and started doing just a few mins a day on it.

This has been really good for me and I hoping it will stop me gettin silly about walking up hills - I get breathless just looking at one - so there we go again anxious thoughts before I have even started.

It's worth persevering with the mild exercise to help get over this one - it's great therapy as well as getting you fitter.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-03-06, 09:47
ooh, mini trampolene, what a great idea piglet!
where do you get them from and how much do they cost?
henri x

23-03-06, 20:31
yea i feel out of breath even by sitting still lol overbreathing apparently altho ive dun this so long now its becomin a huge problem for me i feel so unfit time for breathing training i think .

24-03-06, 09:41
henri sorry mate only just caught up with this thread again.

My one is called a Supertramp :D:D:D I got it online and I think you can get them at John Lewis too.

I'm glad I paid the extra as its a good one and some of the cheaper ones are false economy.

I like it because you can start with just as little as a few mins a day.

Have a go hun I am sure you wont regret it - I've had mine 6 months and it gets used by the whole household everyday.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.