View Full Version : very quick question please

28-08-10, 20:00
Does anyone else agree that doctors seem to not only not take anxiety seriously.....they just dont care?


28-08-10, 20:44
It depends on the doctor, but I have to disagree with you. When Ive been at my worst with health anxiety I would convince myself that my doctor was just fobbing me off instead of treating whatever undiscovered illness i had that week.
Doctors have to balance taking our complaints seriously and causing us even more anxiety by sending us for tests we dont even need.

28-08-10, 21:32
I've found older doctors are more understanding, younger ones more impatient. I think they can sometimes pass HA people off as neurotic or hypochondriacs, and some can be stressed because they are not reaching targets or they are behind schedule. No doctor should ignore anxiety. Its a serious condition! If they arent treating you proper, you should choose a more experienced doctor maybe.

28-08-10, 22:36
the doctors do care but there is no pill that they can prescribe to stop aniexty becauzse its emotional its whit in us the meds help but its you that fights it and stops it n ot like haveing a head acre cant take pain killers

29-08-10, 14:57
must just be mine then

29-08-10, 19:24
not just yours mines the same, i had to swap because she laugh at me and made me feel awful as if we dont feel bad enough she said it was all in my head. i was diagnosed with pleurisy by an out of hours doctor who told me to go back to my doctor to get a chest x-ray to confirm it and when i seen her the next day she said she wouldn't send me for one it was a waste of time and that i have alot of anxiety and it was down to that, i left in tears. some doctors really dont seem to care and we are just time waster to them, well that how i feel about some
zoe x

29-08-10, 19:54
depends on the dr.... i had a male dr middle aged with my diagnosis and he was fab....would talk to me for ages during appointments and this would often cause his appointments to overrun!!!! when i had to return a few years later my female middle aged dr just said "yes! u've been diagnosed...here's your prescription"......

one thing i will say about this difference; the first time i spent ages accepting i was a sufferer from depression and got myself in a right tizzy going round and round in circles; whereas the second time she just gave me the impression that yes, you have depression, you DO need your tablets, and you will begin getting well again like you did before.....if that makes sense....she made me feel like i just had high cholesterol or something and just needed my pills....which was good for me in a way by accepting that i was ill again but could get well again :) hope that makes sense....

30-08-10, 11:14
As others have stated, it is very dependent on your doctor.

I was fortunate to have an example from the 'old school' for 4 or 5 years and he was absolutely wonderful.

He took the time to explain everything, to calm me down, to point out how I could see things differently and was a great listener.

After he retired, sadly I was taken on by his replacement who was much more of the 'don't be silly, it's all in your head' variety - certainly a nice person but I think I seem to gain more reassurance from the other approach.

I'm now with another GP who is very patient and understanding and who definitely seems to grasp the fact that I can get myself in such a state sometimes.

If you are at a multi-doctor practice, maybe you can see if another GP might be more understanding of the genuine upset caused by HA?

Good luck anyway.

30-08-10, 20:24
I've found older doctors are more understanding, younger ones more impatient. I think they can sometimes pass HA people off as neurotic or hypochondriacs, and some can be stressed because they are not reaching targets or they are behind schedule. No doctor should ignore anxiety. Its a serious condition! If they arent treating you proper, you should choose a more experienced doctor maybe.
I agree with you. I feel doctor should not make us feel awful as we already have enough.