View Full Version : Hot baths?

29-08-10, 09:42
Is it normal for your heart rate to go really hard and faster if you have a hot bath? I've been noticing it for a while and it never used to happen to me! Is bothering me quite a lot recently since my anx hit the roof again! I don't know if it's normal or not an is gettin back to the point where I can't have a bath if I'm alone in the house (cuz it used to give me palpitations/ectopics) an I can't stay in and relax ;( xx

29-08-10, 10:01
I've had this before and it's usually when the water is a bit too hot. I'd maybe cool it down a bit more, then you can relax. I get the same when sitting in very hot sun, so it's probably a bit of a strain on the body.

29-08-10, 10:23
Strain? Is it bad for my heart? I don't feel clean enough unless the waters very hot! ;( xx

29-08-10, 10:48
Well what you need to remember is that the heart is the strongest muscle in the body!! So please don't start worrying about that. I just think that if you're finding it uncomfortable then it means you need to cool it down a bit. Or maybe it's because it happened once and now you are thinking about it every time you have a bath - as we all know, anxiety is a very powerful thing!!:hugs:

29-08-10, 10:51
I also get an increased heart rate when I have a hot bath, and sometimes I get a head rush and feel dizzy if I get out too quickly!

29-08-10, 11:06
Thx for reassurin me guys :) and yea I get that too cuz I tend to get out rly fast cuz my adrenaline kicks in lol. Was botherin me quite a lot glad I'm not the only one! xx

29-08-10, 11:21
Hi pokerface, what ur experiencing is TOTALLY normal, I get it to if the water is too hot! Our heart is never at a normal rate it changes throughout the day, depending on what we are doing and how we are feeling. This too is normal. When we have a fever our heart rate increases if we are to cold or to hot, its what our body does to regulate our temperature.

My suggestion if that u are fine, prehaps I wouldn't have such a hot bath, this is personal I find I can't relax in it properly. Plus water doesnt need to be really hot for u to be clean :)

29-08-10, 11:26
Thanks! I never knew it did it to regulate temperature that's cleared a lot of things up for me! A while ago I got poorly an was really scared cuz my heart was goin mad fast and hard! I'll take your guys advice and cool it down a bit! xxx

29-08-10, 11:33
I'll give u an example of our fantastic our hearts are...I was on holiday recently in Italy and my partner decided a trip up a mountain would be fun!!! It was 35oc very hot! the ascent took us nearly 3 hours, my whole body was going crazy, I was sooo hot, I was sweating and my heart rate must have been in the triple figures, I thought my god can my heart, my body cope with this!! Well it did :) I had a fantastic time and it was worth it. The whole trip took me 6 hours to do and my body and heart rate returned to normal after i finished it!! It goes to show that in extremes our body will take care of itself :)

Take care :) x