View Full Version : How could they

27-02-06, 18:19
Have not heard from any of my family for months now,well until Thursday I recieved a text message saying just a reminder its aunty ruth's birthday.
I new anyway but not to even ask how we are.Then on Friday I recieved two postcards from Goa to both my boys,Ive waited to see if they sent one to my daughter,but no.
Im totally devistated,I no last time my daughter was hurt that I didnt get one and said if they didnt send me one she didn't want one.My parents are so twisted that they decided to leave her out,why not just address it to the family.
I have not told them as I don't see why they should be hurt.It is one thing for them to just forget about me but to now decide which of my kids they want is just mean.

27-02-06, 19:01
Hello Dawnym,
Its very easy to get hurt and upset by other people's bahaviour. Please don't rise to their actions, don't give them the benefit of upsetting you. Just remember, you can't change the way people are or what they do but what you can control is the way you react to them. They can only upset you if you allow them to do so - don't give others such power over your feelings/emotions. I know its easier said than done, I used to be like you but not any more. If you don't expect anything from anyone then you won't be disappointed and you will be pleasantly surprised if they do do something nice. I was also wondering whether you attempt to contact them very often. Maybe they think you want to be left alone. Families are wierd sometimes, its only the needy/trouble making/dependant siblings that get the attention. Rise above it, you are better and stronger than them. Just aim to be a better parent than what they are.
Lots of love,
Fradycat. xxxx

27-02-06, 19:04
daqwn i do not no the whole story but the bottom line is your daughter should not suffer. i would simply through the cards in the bin and forget they came. to give them would only bring more hurt

i hope you can get through this

take care

27-02-06, 19:59
Hi Dawn

to me this seems very petty and if they want to act like that I would just ignore themm its them that are missing out on their grandkids. Just take comefort in your immediate family and dont let the petty things get in the way of living


27-02-06, 23:19
Hi Dawn

Families can be so cruel and i have experienced that and totally feel for you. If only they could be consistent rather than changing their options when it suits them. You just hold on to the fact you havent inhertited their values and you can offer so much more than they have done recently. You are a better person and i know it hurts but you have come out with values that they dont obviously percieve.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

01-03-06, 15:15
You are not responsible for your parents behaviour.

I agree the behaviour seems very warped and twisted and you are trying to do the best thing for you all although it is very hard to predict what is wisest under the circumstances.


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