View Full Version : Strange Strain Feeling With Eyes?!

29-08-10, 11:54
Im so scared.

For the past few weeks i have been having visual disturbances. Anything from flashing lights, blurred / double vision & blind spots. I have been to my GP a few times and he has reassured me my eyes appear to be fine. He named a number of things which could be causing / play a part in this. But this morning not long after i had getting out of bed i had such a horrible experience, i felt as if i wasn't in control of my eyes (if that makes sense) i felt as if they had a huge strain on them, and though i couldn't move them. I felt as if i was been forced to go cross eyed, and started seeing double when i tried to stand. This lasted for about 2 - 3 minutes.
I have been to the out of hours, but i am no further forward...

I am really worrying as to what this could be :(
It has really shaken me, and now my eyes feel weak. I am so scared of it happening again.

If anyone has any help / advice i would really appreciate it.
Thank You x

Fly away Katie
30-08-10, 20:42
Hello darl.
I wouldnt worrie about it too much. Have you considered going to the optician to see if you need glasses? It could be a simple thing, like that.. I know from experience that needing glasses and not having them, can make your eyes go nuts :( It is scary, but you can get it fixed :)
Also, when I get up too quickly in the morning.. I get blind spots for a few seconds... then when I blink a few times they go.. its a bit bizzare but because im so tied down with other symptoms of anxiety that scare me more, I guess Ive never thought about it.
Your not alone... I send a big hug x x xx x x

01-09-10, 13:29

I AM 100% the same as you... I've had the same thing for 2 and a bit months... I used to have a lazy eye...which was treated when I was younger... I've felt a pressure in my head and around my eyes (Like they were going to pop out!!) A bit like a sinus headache (But doesn't hurt when you move your head or sniff through your nose)

I also have had double vision and visual disturbances... I got that scared I went to A&E twice!!! I've since calmed down LOADS (after testing from doctors)

I've been told its down to OVER Exersion... Watching TV, Computers, stress..Can all make your muscles work in over drive.. The more I thought about mine the worse they got!!

I honestly have learnt now to totally accept whats happening And also try relaxing your neck and shoulder muscles as that can give you tension headaches!!

I forget about my eyes when not concentrating on them... I'm sure you have the same as me... Tired eyes! I'm now treating myself to MASSAGES..Great excuse!!

Natalie xxxx

01-09-10, 14:19
I have them. also for months i used to use sunglasses almost 24hrs/day. do not afraid. You can go the optician or use MRI test for sure but in my condition all the things were normal. Then I had to deal with them for several years till now.