View Full Version : dreaming?reality?confusion?

29-08-10, 12:05
hi. ive just been away on holiday...something i never thought id do, and although it was stressful and i was on edge everyday i enjoyed it. i felt reconnected with the world.!:)
i didnt have as many bad thoughts just physical symptoms. since ive been back though im starting to sink again. ive kept distracted, but im scared its building again. i have very vivid dreams every night which leave me waking up feeling strange and frightened! i question reality, wonder who i am in the world.? i dont feel like anyone understands me at all so therefore feel very alone even though im surrounded by a lovely family and lots of friends.
im on my summer holiday from uni so ive had to much time to sit and think.! i want to go out but dont feel motivation at all. somehow im battling it and i take rescue remedy religiously!!!! it really helps!! my question is- am i normal? i am thinking so much about life, what it is, where its going, what i am. coming to term with the fact that death is a part of life. scared by the thought that one day i just wont be here anymore! im in a rut. i question the brain.. how we do what we do. are these weird thoughts?
i know ive rambled on but this is all the gibber thats in my head. my fear is that i need med help because im actually loosing my mind!!
can anyone help?or is anyone experiencing the same thoughts?? thankyou ..p.s sorry for the essay. :( xxxxxxx

29-08-10, 12:33
What you're describing there is definitely thoughts of a very anxious mind which is something I share with you.

Your thoughts sound like a normal person.

I get totally rational thoughts like you yet fear them for no reason. Don't worry I feel like I'm losing my mind too and want to control the fear.

The thing is you're not losing your mind, far from it, because you fear it, it won't happen or so I've read.

I doubt everything that gets said to me and feel I have it worse or I'm strange as not many people can relate to my posts and threads and it's scaring me!

Desprate Dan
29-08-10, 13:16
Wow what you two described is me me me me! You are certainly not alone, i question my thoughts all the time, i have vivid dreams all the time, last night i dreamt we were under attack planes dropping bombs, i needed to escape to Scotland "WHY?" i dont know... Sometimes i feel so exhausted when i awake feel like i have been fighting all night. I also feel so alone as if no one really undestands.. DD

29-08-10, 13:36
Dan do you find when you look back on your dream/s that they scare you? For no reason at all?

29-08-10, 14:45
thanks for your comments. i find my dreams scare me for no reason. ! but cant work out why. ! :(