View Full Version : Sinus/Headaches - Really scared

29-08-10, 12:31
I have been getting sinus pain for a couple of months now and headaches which I have never been bothered with before. Yesterday I had the worst headache I have ever had and I am so scared I have a brain tumor :weep:. My sinus feels blocked and sore all the time and my head is always sore.

Please can anyone help me :weep:

29-08-10, 14:11
have you seen your doctor about them? If your face is sore you might have an infection that will need antibiotics.
For now to try and relieve the blocked nose. Boil some water and put it into a bowl. Put your head over it with a towel to keep the steam in and breathe the steam into your nose. Watch you dont burn yourself though. This will help to get the mucus moving again.
You can also try warming a flannel and placing it on your face over the sore areas. This will also help to reduce the swelling.
I hope you start to feel better soon.

30-08-10, 10:25

I have this on and off too. I have it today and have had to take some paracetamol for it. I have a nasal sparay from the dr as well but it seems to have stopped working. I dont worry about stuff like brain tumours i have my own 'special' worry lol!

Dont know if you are a girl or a boy but i do know that stress and anxiety can make your hormones go wobbly and and this can effect your nose and sinuses in the same way that pregnant people get a stuffy nose.

Maybe you should tell the dr becuase normally the spray they gave me works great, in fairness i did miss taking it two days last week so maybe thats why its stopped working today. Its called Nasonex
