View Full Version : Best week so far

29-08-10, 12:35
Hey guys,
I just thought I'd share with you all my good week. I managed to go to my boyfriends house, which is a two hour bus ride away. I stayed over his house, meet members of his family that I've never seen before and ate in front of his family. I also managed to stay in his house with his family for a couple of hours whilst he went out.
Then on friday I got on a train to London to meet my brother. My boyfriend was with me and holding my hand the whole journey as I was freaking out a bit. I did have a massive panic attack before getting on the tube but in the end I did it.
Going back to college in a few days is starting to look less scary after my good week.
Hope everyone else is having a good day :yesyes:

30-08-10, 16:54
Well done you!!! Tiny steps and you will get there...just shows it can be done!! Keep up the good work. Lovely story...thanks for posting.:)


30-08-10, 18:13
Thanks Jo. I hope my little story can help somone else feel a bit more positive.