View Full Version : Is this normal

29-08-10, 14:43
can any one tell me if this normal for anxiety as its worring me i can be just siting doing nothing then all of a sudden i feel funny cant explain it and ive always got a headache and feel sick ive had anxiety for a while now and its beginning to get me down as i dont feel like a normal person and feel as if im a freek

29-08-10, 14:54
Could be the change in weather, i get that.

Kerry B
29-08-10, 15:34
Hi Tricia I get the same as you I can be sitting down and not worrying about anything and all of a sudden I get panicky, like today I am not Anxious yet I have felt dizzy all day which is part of Anxiety, I am not sure why it happens, but its all down to Anxiety.