View Full Version : Ectopic beats, heart palps, pounding iregular heart, have they ever woken u up?

29-08-10, 16:09
I'm afraid to go to sleep because last night I was actually woken up by ectopic beats, heart palps pounding racing uneven heartrate made my chest feel very uncomfortable but no real pain... Actually was having a dream my heart was playing up and I had to calm it down.. And I awoke to these terrifying symptoms. It felt like it lasted for ages when in probs lasted a min or two... Is it possible to suffer this sort of attack with mutiple skipped beats, palps and racing heart without it indicating bad heart health? Is this a symptom I'm gonna have a heart attack... I went to the drs last week and she said my ECG tests were up to date and I don't need another test just yet and she really doesn't think there's anything wrong with my heart... But I still get these awful palps, beats and chest pains not to mention lightheadedness, has anyone else suffered this? Also chest feels like it's vibrating :(

29-08-10, 17:13
This happened to me a while ago. I woke up and my heart was giving me ectopic beats every 3 or 4 normal beats. This lasted for hours. Nothing was wrong though, I just had a bit of a stressful day the day before, although it didn't stop me worrying at the time. You'll be fine, anxiety can cause these kind of beats. I get lightheaded quite a bit too, another horrible symptom of anxiety, prob one of the worst.

29-08-10, 17:26
I've had this lots of times and it probably means that you are quite stressed, even when you are sleeping. Unpleasant though it is, try not to let it worry you because it is completely harmless. The fact your ecg was normal is a great sign that your heart is completely healthy, it's just another of those horrible anxiety symptoms. You've probably had a stressful day beforehand and it definitely shows itself in one way or another!:hugs:

30-08-10, 10:46
I've had that happen many times! Very disturbing but apparently harmless. Mine can sometimes be like every other beat! Depends on the time of month or what has happened before etc.
Don't stress, you're ok x

30-08-10, 16:12
Thanks for the replies guys :) was just so scary. And because I didn't feel particularly stressed it threw me off, but I am having trouble with my sleeping pattern so that might be it

08-09-10, 22:33
i've been having a similar problem these past 2 weeks. I've always suffered with health anxiety, usually to do with a rapid heatbeat. But lately i've had an irregular beat and where it skips a beat a good 4 times, feels like its slowing down and thuds against my chest and i feel breathless. My little sister has just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which has made me a bit more anxious that usual and has been quite stressful. I was just reading how magnesium and pottasium deficiencys can cause irregular heartbeats so i think im gonna go to the doctors and have a blood test done. Just wondered if you guys had any similar symptoms to this? thanks xxx

09-09-10, 00:53
hi :) i know how you feel, they are SOOOO scary, if you've got anxiety just try to remember during these episodes that everything you're going through is totally harmless, i know it's so hard to tell yourself that but try :)

09-09-10, 02:30
The exact same thing happened to me afew weeks ago. I was dreaming that my heart was beating weirdly all over the place then i woke up suddenly and it was doing the exact same thing. I was really scared. I think it is all to do with anxiety, stress etc.

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