View Full Version : What scares me most!

29-08-10, 16:56

I know I have HA and have had for a few years, but still what scares me most is when I get a pain apparently from nowhere. Just this morning I was not having to bad a day when suddenly a pain in my chest and that was I it! Anxiety and fear took over and now I feel awful, my heart feels like it is racing and I have a terrible tightness in my chest!

I'd just like to know if anyone else gets this? As I really hate it!


29-08-10, 17:37
Any new pain or sensation will throw all of us here into a panic - thats health anxiety. Have you been doing anything movement wise different to normal - i find that it takes about 2 days for me to get pain or muscle spasm after doing something quite ordinary and not excessive but just different to usual and by that time I have forgotten that I stretched over ofr something or carried something a bit heavy.

29-08-10, 17:43
No being doing nothing of note! I should mention that I am in the middle of a full blow HA attack about my heart that isn't helping!

29-08-10, 17:50
i get this all the time-last night for example i was reading in better couldnt have been more relaxed then boom out of nowhere horrible chest that stayed with me til 6 this morning

29-08-10, 18:07
Man that sounds awfull, my pain only lasted an hour or so, but now my chest feels tight as a drum due to the anxiety!

Fly away Katie
29-08-10, 19:32
Awwww, you poor thing :(
I also suffer like that. I get a random pain and im off. And that leads into more symptoms... more pains, tight throat and chest.. Its like the worst vicious circle ever xxx

30-08-10, 09:49
Yep I feel exactly the same, it's like I could have written your post and signed my name at the bottom. Every new pain just sends me into a complete new frenzy and panic.
I could be having a good day and then I'll get a pain in my head or chest or wherever and that's it then for the rest of the day, super tight chest and just feel so awful and back to square one with it all.

30-08-10, 10:13
me too. this morning I had a random weird pain in my toe and thats me off now too :weep:

it s awfull


30-08-10, 14:38
Snap. I'm exactly the same. Go from one obsession to another.

Had a Bp reading of 132/91 last week and I have been a mess since. Going to get it checked tomorrow as I cannot stop worrying about and am probably making it worse but cant stop.

Last week ended up having a scan on my leg as I thought I had a dvt and wouldn't take the doctors word that he was confident there was nothing there. I went back and seen another GP so I think I was sent in for reassurance more than anything. I didn't have one but left the hospital and replaced that worry with another about my BP. Now I have obsessed so much I have headaches, chest pressure, pains etc and probably wont stop until I get it checked tomorrow. I am not on anxiety medication due to side effects and am trying so hard to deal with it all myself and its so hard.

Why do we do it to ourselves?