View Full Version : Really panicking about this.. cant calm down! Please reply

29-08-10, 17:15
Hi guys,

Im sooooo wound up now its unreal!

I started feeling abit poorly lastnight... tired, sicky, sneezing etc

And this morning i felt the same. Throughout the day iv felt worse.. my whole body feels sooooo incredibly tense! I feel tired but also like i could run for miles to get this adrenaline out... i just wanna tense all my body, its horrible!
At the same time, i sometimes go hot, i think im coming down with a cold but i dont know... im terrified! Iv never had these symptoms before when starting with a cold.... im trying to tell myself the tense muscles etc are anxiety but everytime i think about it, it goes worse!

I hate it, iv got my bf coming round tonight and im so worried about that... i just want to feel well, he hates it when i complain about feeling ill all the time!

Has anyone had this with their body? Feel soooo tense and like you just wanna scream to let it all out?!

Im sorry this is abit scatty, im so scared right now. Im terrified of being sick and fainting and im terrified this is going to happen!

Please please reply, i can feel myself loosing it xx

29-08-10, 17:30
Sounds like tiredness and intense anxiety - try and read the symptoms of anxiety on left of page and this always makes me calm down a bit as you realise how much anxiety affects your body.

maybe you need to get rid of the tension - beat the living daylights out of a cushion and if you can and no one can hear you scream like mad at same time:D

Then hopefully you can be all nice and calm for your boyfriend. Even if you are coming down with a cold its no big deal ( I know easier said than done) and you will know if you are by end of today becasue you will be all snotty!

If your boyfriend can't cope with your worrying then try and find someone who will listen to you even if its coming on here and venting.

Good luck

29-08-10, 17:43
Thank you for your reply - i have just read the anxiety symptoms etc and its reassuring to know how it does effect your body and so many times when you think you're ill, its actually just anxiety. It really is a horrible thing isnt it!?

I think you are right about the intense anxiety thing - i just feel like running and running lol (usually i hate exercise)
Unfortuently i cant scream because my parents will wonder whats going on haha but i will try smacking my pillow to relieve some of the tension.

Thank you again for your reply - i feel so incredibly ill, but i just keep telling myself it is nothing to worry about and probably just anxiety x

29-08-10, 22:13
I get this often!
I think it is all due to anxiety! I've been feeling like it today actually and sometimes I can't sleep at night due to that wanting to tense everything feeling.
I read in one of my uni books that anxiety can cause you to feel like your coming down with a cold/flu.
I would try to ignore it as best you can - i am terrified of being sick aswell - it drives me mad! But you won't be sick - its just anxiety!
Try to have a good time with your boyfriend :) xxx

29-08-10, 22:20
Thank you for your reply Helen - i know uv got the same phobia as me because iv commented on some of your posts before! Its horrible isnt it..

Yeah i remember reading somewhere that anxiety gives you cold and flu symptoms.. its so strange what it does to your body!

Iv managed to get my mind off it tonight and felt alittle better.. hopefully after a good nights sleep il be ok

Got a nice neck massage off the bf too - an upside to anxiety tension! haha but that helped to relieve some of the tension..... need a padded room now to scream in! :)


30-08-10, 03:07
did you know that when you have an orgasm that the part of your brain that registers fear shuts down!....... just a thought :-)

I hate when I'm tense and there is people around, I just wanna go and hide.
yeah I nearly always feel ill, so I have to stop my self from complaining.

oo just remembered, when my friend was over i was quite anxious, one of my hands was hot and the other one was freezing.
I also get like heat waves when I'm anxious.

30-08-10, 10:18
I get this too. Ive been getting it nearly everyday now and it makes me feel real scared.

Im hoping its an anxiety reaction too.

My brother described having something similar a while back, like your getting the flu but then it goes away.
