View Full Version : Small pupils. Panic!

Natalie x
29-08-10, 17:29
Hi. Has anyone ever noticed that their pupils are really small? I just looked at mine and they're smaller than usual. Im really scared that something will happen. Im supposed to be going out with my boyfriend later but im too scared. Can anyone re-assure? Thanks x

29-08-10, 17:33
Are they both same size??? Then chances are the light is brighter than you think in the room where you have checked your pupils. If you can for your reassurance darken a room so you can just still see your eyes and look again and you will find your pupils have enlarged.

The time to worry if in a darkish room and you have pin prick pupils not just a bit smaller than usual.

this may sound stupid but did you shine a light in your eyes when you were looking as I did this once and then panicked about my pin prick pupils:blush: until I realised that shining a torch into your eyes has this effect!!