View Full Version : Head issues...shockingly

29-08-10, 20:21
Hey all, I have the following symptoms, they have become worse over the last couple of weeks with some coming on and increasingly worse over the last few days.

1. Buzzing/shaking feeling in my head
2. Head feels full
3. More emotional and slightly more panicky
4. Have a bit of fight or flight kicking in randomly
5. Slightly more irritable
6. Slightly more noticeably twitchy.
7. Visual disturbances, like losing focus, feeling dizzy etc etc

I'm just really scared, again feel like I am going crazy slowly and feel like I am barely managing to hold it together.

Please help. Also worried about brain related things again...like brain tumour/epilepsy, degenerative disease. You know all the random scary things you read about.

I am on 10mg Citalopram. Just started back on the pill (Cerazette).

29-08-10, 23:35
Can anyone please help?

30-08-10, 00:07
I dont know if im much help as i am on no medication . but i do get these sorts of things in fact i have them now, and i think it is brought on by looking at the computer screen to much (without my glasses i need for computers only) might be worth getting your eyes tested xx

30-08-10, 01:20
Its more likely to be anxiety. Also if you have just started the pill..remember your hormones are all over the place at the moment until it settles in your system. Have you been to dr? also are you getting headaches? Migranes can make you feel dizzy and have visual disturbances. Dont focus on the scary stuff as it will only make you more panicky and it will be a vicious circle.

30-08-10, 11:58
i was exacly the same on 10mg cit,, upped to 20mg 4 wkks ago n still get them feelings although they are calming down, pm me if ur worried,, or add me on facebook, ellie rudden, or helenrudden@msn.com. if u cant find me,, xxxxxxxxxxx

30-08-10, 12:01
As a person with epilepsy I can assure you its not epilepsy, as a person with anxiety that can be all my symptoms as well.

30-08-10, 13:27
I think epilepsy is just a fear linked to loss of control and so on, most of my HA tends to circle around loss of control rather than fear of dying.

I just don't want to go back to how I was before I started on Citalopram which was horrible. I feel now, looking back, like I was barely functioning but at the same time I am now really worried about increasing the dose, I can't keep increasing forever.

Migraines may be an answer, although I generally don't get the blinding pain associated with them. Mine tends to be pressure around eyes and visual disturbances but I have only I think recently started getting them.

31-08-10, 10:24
Hi there

I have been finding that since my anxiety problem i am now having horrible effects from every pill that I try. Exactly the same as you describe. I think its to do with the way the progesterone effects our system and becuase we have anxiety disorder the changes to our system are magnified to us.

I recently had that same problem with marvelon pill, it freaked me out so much i had to stop taking it.

Back to square one for me

So it could well be the cerazette


31-08-10, 11:38
hiya i was on cerazette when i first started taking mitzraplam and i found that i had all those symptoms you describe so was advised to be taken off it as it may be reacting with the other tablets hope this helps and really hope u get better soon i hope we all do :)

31-08-10, 18:16
I did wonder, I just thought it might be the different hormones in the pill taking time to settle. I couldn't find anything to say it interacted with anti-depressents.