View Full Version : Back to work tomorrow...

29-08-10, 22:21
Hi everyone, just need some encouragement really. Have been signed off work for 2 weeks with anxiety disorder and panic attacks. Am due to go back tomorrow, after seeing the doctor last week and after quite a positive week this week. Have felt pretty much alright. But tonight I left my parents house where I've been staying on and off for the past 3 weeks since it all started and I have felt so anxious, boardering on panic attack this evening for the whole journey home. My chest is so tight, I have a headache, I feel so panicky, I just dunno how I'm going cope tomorrow. This whole experience has just stolen all my confidence and it's so unfair, cause this isn't me at all. I normally confident and bubbly and I'm good at my job. But I just don't don't feel like that person anymore. Sorry for moaning so much, I just know that people here will understand.Thanks for reading this. xxx

30-08-10, 10:02
Hi Sarah 85,

Sounds like your struggling with anticipationary anxiety about going back to work, I always think its worst than actually doing whatever event Im anxious about.

See how you feel today, give it a try. If work added to your anxiety, then you may feel some anxiety going back - a normal reaction. It doesnt mean you cant or wont cope.

That being said, if you do not feel ready to return to work then dont. Just go back to your Dr and see where it goes from there. Anyway good luck, whatever you decide it will be ok.

30-08-10, 10:13

I am doing the same tomorrow and feel pretty much the same as you. I have been off for a week. I know how you feel. It's pretty bad. I am going to try to be really focused on calming down and really try. I hope you get on okay.


30-08-10, 10:32
Hi Sarah,

Totally relate to how you are feeling. I bet by the time you read this you will of been to work and been fine.

I had 5 months off with my illness and went back on a phased in return...I, like you ,loved my job and am usually a confident bubbly person but my anxiety changed that too, just temporarily.

Its now 6 months since I returned and I do have my blips but am able to cope and get through it...this illness takes its toll on us!!!

I hope you have a good day.


31-08-10, 00:07
Hey sarah :)

Hope all went well.


P.S KevsHoping, I hope you got on ok too :hugs:

31-08-10, 14:57
hi sarah im going back to work tomorrow after having 7 weeks off:ohmy: im flapping a little about it,, as dont mind going back to work i just really hate my job and i want to do something else....hope you got on ok im kind of looking forwad to being back at work just wish it wasnt there ..

take care lisa x